A Beginner’s Guide to the 12 Universal Laws

“How to Master the 12 Universal Laws and master life.”

Available on Amazon!

I was deep in a meditation when I heard this message whispered to me.  It intrigued me to think that life was truly this simple.  By understanding 12 important laws we have the ability to align with our destiny.  When I mentioned this to a friend recently, I could tell he was perplexed by my statement; more importantly, I observed he never knew there were 12 Universal Laws.

As he stared back at me with a somewhat blank look in his eyes, I decided to ask him, “Are you aware that there are 12 Universal Laws?”

“I didn’t even know there was one Universal Law yet alone twelve.  Never once have I heard this,” he told me.

I realize that a great many of us are unaware of these laws.  Most of us were never taught this in school; I am certain that my own parents were never aware of these laws and didn’t pass them on to me.  A few years back, we were introduced to the Law of Attraction through books like The Secret and other spiritual missives, but a great many people discounted it as “new-age” mumbo jumbo.  I heard countless people say, “I tried it and it didn’t work.”  They would then proceed to tell me that they tried thinking or intending their desire or wish into existence and no matter how hard they thought about it or intended what they wanted it never manifested.

“Did you apply the other 11 laws with the Law of Attraction?” I began asking people.

The same look that my friend gave me when I asked about the 12 Universal Laws adorned the face of doubters as well—the answer was obviously “no.”  This got me thinking: how many people even know these laws exist?  How would life be different for people if they knew these laws make up the Universe and can be utilized to better our lives?

With this in mind, I wanted to devote this blog installment to the 12 Universal Laws,  and give people the power to “Master the 12 Universal Laws and master life.”  Without further adieu, here are those amazing life-changing laws.

1.  The Law of Universal Oneness

The first illusion that mankind believed, which set the course for much of the pain and anguish in the world, was that we are all separate.  This great fallacy led mankind away from our true spiritual essence and away from the Source.  Everything in this Universe is connected.  Every human being, every living animal, every tree, rock or even the grass that we walk on is all connected to the Source that makes up this divine matrix that we call the Universe.  Therefore, whenever we make a choice and take an action or even think a thought it affects the matrix on some level.  This may seem to be a lot of responsibility however when we live our life with an awareness of this interconnectivity we give ourselves the capacity to live our most divine lives.  By knowing that we are all connected we come to understand the power of empathy which has the capacity to change the world.  Through heart-centered living we become the change that we have been seeking.  We become the way.

2.  The Law of Attraction

Let’s talk about this law next because so many have heard of it.  It was made famous by the best-selling sensation The Secret.  The original version of this idea came from Wallace D. Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich, written in 1910.  Once again, our faith or belief is what actually powers our intentions.  What we think and feel deep inside of ourselves is reflected back to us in our physical world.  I am sure you have heard that what we think is what we become.  In reality, what we believe is what we become.  Believe you have an abundant life, and so shall it be.  No matter how many times you say, “I have an abundant life” if you don’t believe it in the deepest recesses of your soul it will not present itself in your physical reality.

3.  The Law of Vibration

Everything in the Universe is vibrating at a sub-atomic level.  Everything in this Universe carries with it a vibration that is unique to itself and carries constant movement and energy with it.  At the level of particles everything is vibrating therefore high vibrating particles are attracted to other high vibrating particles while lower vibrating particles are attracted to lower vibrating particles.  This is where the phrase “like attracts like” comes from.  Literally, we are what we are vibrating.  We attract our tribe of fellow souls in this manner.  “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”  Your friends will give you a really good snapshot of what your vibratory frequency is.  In order to change anything in your life you simply need to alter your frequency and by doing so you will attract a new vibration.

4.  The Law of Correspondence

This law is directly related to the Law of Universal Oneness.  Patterns repeat themselves throughout the Universe and the prominent patterns repeat themselves on smaller patterns.  The key is to recognize these patterns in our own lives so that we can take action either towards continuing with the positive patterns or changing the patterns that no longer serve us.

Learn more in our video series:


5.  The Law of Inspired Action

This is a very important law and is often the least utilized which frequently prevents the manifestation of the Law of Attraction.  In order for our intentions to manifest we must take action towards making those intentions a reality in our physical world.  Your actions must match your intentions and when your actions and intentions are aligned the possibility for instant manifestation arises.  In short, we must take action towards making our dreams come true; they are not just going to magically arrive on our doorstep without some effort on our part.  We must take the first step and then the Universe acts in accordance with our actions.  We take a step and the Universe responds.  This is dancing the “two-step” with the Universe.  We stand still and the Universe stands still with us.  Through inspired action we make our dreams a reality.

6.  The Law of Cause and Effect

This law is often referred to as the Law of Karma.  Whatever you put out into the world will return to you.  This is a necessary law because it allows us to see how our actions affect other people.  No matter what we do to another person, be it a loving gesture or one that causes pain, that action will return to us in some manner.  This law is directly aligned with the Law of Universal Oneness.  We are all connected, therefore everything we do to another we are actually doing to ourselves.

7.  The Law of Compensation

This law is very similar in that it states that what you put out into the world will return to you however the Law of Compensation goes a step further because it states that whatever is in your heart is what is returned to you.  Words are powerful but our feelings and belief structures are actually what powers our ability to manifest our thoughts into existence.  Since this Universe is made up of energy this law confirms that whatever our energy is will be compensated with like energy.  For instance, if you do a good deed for someone but do so with resentment or in a negative manner what will actually be returned is the resentment and anger.  If you hold love in your heart when you do these deeds, then love will be returned as compensation.

8.  The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law illustrates that everything in the Universe is constantly changing. Change is the only constant.  The beautiful part of this law is the realization that no matter where you are in your life you have the ability and capacity to change it into exactly the life you want it to be.

9.  The Law of Relativity

This law states that everything in the Universe is neutral when seen in isolation and it is only when we ascribe any meaning to anything that we see this reflected in our reality.  There really is no “good” or “bad,” it is simply our impression that gives it those labels.  The Universe is a blank canvas that projects our thoughts and beliefs back to us.  Our mind is like a movie projector and our thoughts are like the film that is fed through the projector.  Whatever we think is projected onto the blank canvas of the Universe and is shown back to us like the movie of our life.  If your thoughts are negative and filled with strife—a horror movie of sorts—this is what the Universe will reflect on its blank screen.  If your thoughts are of love, compassion and kindness then this is the movie that will be reflected back to us.  Allow the movie of your life to be a movie you would be proud to show the world.  Make it a masterpiece!

10.  The Law of Gender

Everything is this Universe is comprised of both male and female energy which the Chinese refer to this as yin and yang.  Many people may think that these are opposing forces when in reality they are complementary forces that cannot exist without one another.  When the male and female energy combine together to make one unit of energy the yogis call this the highest form of yoga.  A Divine Union is born that makes the pair greater than the sum of the parts.  We see this in “power couples” who are stronger as a unit than they would be individually.  When complimentary energies unite the union has the power the change the world.

11.  The Law of Polarity

Everything in this Universe has an opposite.  Happiness must have sadness, hot must have cold, up must have down and day must have night for without each we would not be able to discern the difference.  Each proverbial side of the coin is necessary in order to remember that we are One with the Universe.  We must experience opposites which allows us to validate our choices on this plane.  Every opposite has value as a teaching construct that allows us the opportunity to create the life we desire.  If the Universe were to choose for us it would eradicate our freewill and it is through freewill that we go on a journey to remember that we are all connected.  We are given the choice of love or hate in order to realize the truth of the first Universal Law, the Law of Universal Oneness.

12.  The Law of Rhythm

Everything has a cycle and a rhythm.  Life and death are forever linked, fall precedes winter which turns to spring and then summer, the moon waxes and wanes and we go through various seasons in our own lives. We may be married for years and then find ourselves single or having lived a life of abundance and one day find ourselves living in lack.  These are the natural cycles of the Universe.  A once beautiful rose eventually withers and wilts only to return to dust.  Understanding and acknowledging these cycles allows us to become unattached to any one state of life.  The tides rise and then recede, and each is okay; it is only when we attach to one state over another that we bring discontentment into our lives.  The yogi treats each stage as just that—a stage.   When we come to understand that all things change, we can come to a place of peace when they do.


These are the 12 Universal Laws and they are there for you to help you master your life.  Whether you believe in them matters not because as I mention to people all the time—you can disbelieve in the Law of Gravity, but if you hurl yourself off of a 15-story building you will fall to the ground, and most likely your death will occur—whether you believe in gravity or not.

These laws were given to you by the Source to help you create your very best life.  “Master these 12 Universal Laws and you will master life.”

Make the movie of your life extraordinary.  I look forward to seeing each of your masterpieces.

May you stay blessed on your journey.  

If you would like to learn more about the 12 Universal Laws and how to implement them into your life, check out David’s book, 12 Universal Laws, on Amazon.

57 thoughts on “A Beginner’s Guide to the 12 Universal Laws”

  1. Interesting thing..

    .. I was on my to the barber this am. While enroute, I Started to have an awareness that after a few years of studying conciousness it occurred to me out of nowhere that I should start to study and fully understand the natural laws of the universe. I came to an awareness that in by doing so, I could attain the ultimate possible projection of myself unto this world. I decided to do a search… and I now find myself here. Very interesting.

    With Gratitude,
    Dave Bertrand

    1. Greetings, Dave,

      What a beautiful synchronicity you’ve experienced! In this vast universe, nothing is left to chance, and everything unfolds with perfect orchestration. Your journey towards understanding the natural laws of the universe is a powerful step in realizing the highest potential within you. Embracing these universal truths can illuminate your path and guide you toward a more profound expression of your true self.

      May your exploration be filled with inspiration and enlightenment. Remember, every step you take is a dance with the universe, aligning you with your true purpose. I’m thrilled that my post could be a part of your journey, and I wish you nothing but joy and wisdom as you delve deeper.

      With heartfelt wishes for your journey ahead,


  2. Pingback: Universal Law of Action: Your Key to Success and Fulfillment – Potent U

  3. It all makes so much sense. While having been aware of some of the laws naturally without knowing them as laws, I have ignored others which has hampered my life. I’ll try to make the most out of it now.

    Just a detail: when you talk about yin and yang, hopefully they are complimentary, but they are actually complementary.

    1. Eugen,

      Thank you so much for writing. My hope is that by having a deeper understanding of these laws we can all utilize them in ways that improve our lives and bring us closer to the Source.

      Thank you also for bringing my typo to my attention. I’ll make sure to modify that.

      Sending you many blessings on this day and each day beyond.


  4. Thank you for this enlightening information. I’m trying to find the strength to put these laws to good use. It’s been a difficult journey. I think I’m going to use your advice given to someone else in the comments, which is to sit in silence. Thanks.

    1. Christa,

      Thank you for writing. At times when life becomes the most difficult for me, I will take my left hand and place it over my heart, and then place my right hand over my left. In the space of silence ask your Highest Self, “What do I need to know right now in this moment.” Amazing wisdom comes from within, we must simply take the time to ask for guidance from that All Knowing Source that resides within the heart.

      I hope this message finds you at the perfect time to help you on your journey. Stay blessed always.


  5. Thank you for this valuable knowledge. Thank you for being generous! 🙂
    Wishing you a life full of health, wealth, & blessings. I genuinely do!

    1. Andrew,

      Thank you for writing. It is difficult to trace the origins of these laws to a source unless we are talking about the “Source.” These laws are intrinsic and are simply experiential.

      Having said this, these 12 universal laws are unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known and have passed down to subsequent generations.

      The roots of these laws are often associated with Ho’oponopono, a meditation for freedom originating in ancient Hawaiian culture (I have written an additional blog on this as well) while some of these laws have been attributed to hermetic philosophy going back to ancient Egypt.

      No matter their source, their essence is timeless and when applied with discipline give us the opportunity to create our most harmonious life.

      I hope this helps.

      Wishing you many blessings on our journey.


  6. Desmond L Prass

    Immense thanks for sharing these Laws David. Small correction to #2 LOA. The author of the Science of Getting Rich, is Wallace D. Wattles. He also wrote the Science of Being Great and the The Science of Being Well. All great reads. Look forward to reading your book as well. Be well!

    1. Desmond,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write and bringing to my attention “Wallace D. Wattles.” I’ve updated the text to reflect his correct name.

      Sending many blessings to your corner of the world and I hope you enjoy your eBook on the 12 Universal Laws.

      Sat Nam!


    1. Sat Nam, Dear Friend,

      Thank you for writing. It is always a blessing to join with like minded people around the world to connect once again to our common humanity. It brings me great joy knowing that you took the time to read my blog and that although we may not be near one another we can still share our common journey.

      May you continue to spread love and light to your corner the world.

      Stay blessed always and I look forward to continuing the conversation.

      David Daniel

    2. Hello there! Peace and love! Thank you for sharing in detail these 12 universal laws. I’ve always heard of them and wondered what they were so today I took the time to do some research and I ran across your blog. Thank you for sharing this information may God bless and keep you, Love and Light!

      1. Thank you so much reading The 12 Universal Laws and for writing. I was just telling a friend an hour before you wrote how fulfilling it was to share these laws and that I felt called to write about them from a Source much larger than myself.

        Soon after having the conversation with my friend, you so kindly wrote. The Universe was listening and connected us today. The Law of Attraction at work!

        May you stay forever blessed on your journey.

        Sat Nam!


    1. Vhaaz,

      Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and for writing me. It brings me great joy to hear that it affected you in a positive way. I feel blessed that you took the time to write and wish you continued success and prosperity in all of your endeavors.

      Sending much love and light to your corner of the world.

      Sat Nam!


  7. Thank you for explaining these laws, I was led to your website by a friend who had been trying to help me through a difficult time in my life. She told me to open up my problem to the universe and ask for help with it. I do believe that the process of healing has already started after a very short time indeed. I hope to put into practice what the laws teach to lead me to a better path and ultimately a better life with more meaning and clarity and less judgement and negativity. Thank you again.

    1. Melanie,

      Thank you for taking the time to write and reading the 12 Universal Laws. The first step on any spiritual journey is having awareness and awakening to the laws of the Universe. Each person’s journey begins and develops at the perfect time as your certainly has as well. You are exactly in the right place at the right time.

      As you continue on your path, consider taking time each day to sit in silence and listen to your own Inner Voice that knows and has always had the answers. Peace lies within that space–nestled in the space of silence where your own inner truth resides. In this space we discover that we are One With the Universe and are always being guided perfectly.

      Wishing you the very best as you continue on your path of Self-Realization. I send love and kindness to your corner of the world. You are loved always and forever.

      Stay blessed,

      David Daniel

  8. This is brilliant. Thanku. Im researching many deep scientific and spiritual topics, the brain and nature. Human nature and nature as infinite oneness. This is greatly appreciated…thanku so much. I hope your well and send you many blessings and love. Jo.

    1. Jo,

      Thank you so much for the kind words. It brings me great joy to hear that you are on your spiritual path to remembrance of your own Divine Grace. Wishing you much illumination on your journey. May you stay eternally blessed.

      Sat Nam!


  9. After studying the 12 laws and truly desiring an understanding of how they worked, I only found understanding after reading your blog of the 12 laws the way you beautifully explained them to be. I am so grateful for this better understanding that was very different than all of the others I had read! It has helped me begin on a journey of healing and forgiveness, thru writing, and ultimately movie production, about my childhood story. Applying these laws helps put a more positive outlook and beautiful spin on how our life experiences, allow us to blossom into greatness and live out our desires. Thank you again.

    1. Naomi,

      It brings me great happiness to learn that you found the blog and that it resonated with you. When we come to understand these powerful laws and then utilize them to benefit mankind the Universe works in co-ordination with us to once again remember that we are One With God.

      May you stay blessed on your journey and may your story inspire the world to become kinder and more compassionate.

      Sat Nam!

  10. Hello David,
    Thanks for the explanation. I have recently started practicing the law of attraction in my daily routine and following the secret. More research on this subject lead me to your website and I learnt about other 11 laws of universe.

    Like in the book The Secret, the law of attraction is explained in depth, are there any other books you recommend which explains in depth about other 11 laws of universe? If so then kindly suggest me the names.
    Thanks and regards,

    1. Fakhri,

      Thanks for writing and I am so happy to hear that you are utilizing the Law of Attraction in your life. Certainly this powerful law will bring you much more information on your quest to better understand these wonderful laws. The “perfect” books will find their way into your life as you continue your journey towards remembrance. Our job is to simply “let go” and allow the Divine to speak through us.

      May you stay eternally blessed on your journey.

      Sat Nam!


      1. Hello, good morning mr my Name is Alex from Uganda Iam honored to have landed on this information and I believe if I practiced this laws on my daily life my life will not remain the same

        1. Alex,

          It is a great honor to have you join the conversation from Uganda. This illustrates perfectly how united we are in spirit by being able to communicate from different parts of the world. What a blessing it is to have you write and I send you much love from the United States. May you stay eternally blessed on your journey. Sat Nam!


    1. Thanks so much. I learned a lot this morning. These laws are very true. Thanks for this inspirational teaching. Wish you all the best.

      1. Kwame,

        Thanks for writing. So happy to hear that you enjoyed reading about these very powerful laws and hoping that when you apply these laws you discover the Divine residing within your heart.

        Sending you many blessings on this glorious day. Sat Nam!

  11. So awesome! I’m researching this for a book I’m writing and couldn’t help but notice that even though you published it a year ago, another person found it and commented just a few days ago. Love it! No coincidences!

    1. Danielle,

      We live in a magical Universe that is Divinely Orchestrated! I’m thrilled that you found this and I wish you the very best with your book. Apply these 12 laws and your destiny will manifest before your very eyes.

      Wishing you continued success and prosperity in all of your endeavors. May the light of love shine on you always!

      Sat Nam!

      David Daniel


    Thank you David for this information, lately i have been making more connections with the iaw of attraction and now creating guidance towards the other 11. I have recently started a channel on youtube and was looking to discuss these laws. Love,peace and universal harmony be with you.
    thank you
    Manuel A. Gonzalez CREATORS CORNER

        1. Tkay,

          Thank you for reading my blog and for taking the time to write me. I hope that you are staying blessed and aligned with your Highest Integrity on your journey.

          The 12 Universal Laws have been handed down dating back many years. These are ancient, mystical, and esoteric secret teachings dating back more than 5,000 years from ancient Egypt to ancient Greece and to the Vedic tradition of ancient India. Each of these civilizations shared a common thread when they passed down these twelve Spiritual Laws of the Universe.

          Not unlike when mathematics and science were shared throughout the generations these spiritual laws have been shared to help us remember and align once again in remembrance that we are One With God. These laws come directly from the Divine as a Gift to help us on our soul’s journey through life.

          I hope this provides you enough insight to continue your studies as you evolve towards your Highest Consciousness. May the Light of Love Shine on you always. Sat Nam!


  13. David, I really enjoyed your article as well. My talent is teaching others mindfulness and meditation to incite their individual truths. I do this by way of whatever skillful means necessary in order to dispel illusion. Although truth is subject to each individual, the 12 universal laws are concrete. These are my road map, given from source to easily understand Divine Truth and Divine Wisdom. You did an excellent job explaining them!
    Now I’m just curious if Sat Nam is from the Sikh word meaning “God is divine”?


    1. Dom,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write. It brings me great joy to discover another Teacher of the Divine. In the Sikh tradition, “Sat Nam” translates most closely to “I am Truth, Truth is my identity.” We use this mantra during many kriyas and meditations in Kundalini Yoga.

      Stay blessed on your journey and continue spreading the Light wherever you travel.


  14. This was a brilliant take on the 12 Universal Laws and a very helpful source of information. I think you could have included within the Law of Correspondence that “our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world”. This information directly links to the meaning of the word ‘correspondence’, because the conditions in our mind are closely connected or “CORRESPOND” to the conditions in the outer physical world.

    Nevertheless, thank you for this wonderful article.

    1. Ben,

      Thank you for taking the time to write. Love your idea about how our inner world reflects our outer world. Heal ourselves and we heal the world.

      Stay blessed on your journey. Sat Nam!


    1. Thank you for reading the blog and taking the time to respond. Sending you many blessings on your journey and wishing you continued success and prosperity in all of your endeavors. Sat Nam!

      David Daniel

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