Flying symbolizes that we have a strong intellect, which we can use to mentally rise above our problems. The dream’s purpose is to get us to see our issues from a higher perspective and thereby allowing us to heal whatever is no longer serving us. This is why we almost always feel exhilarated upon waking from a flying dream. We often get a sense of empowerment from these dreams because our problems are put into perspective in the dream. This dream has the potential to alleviate our worry and restore our sense of peace. When we recognize that the Universe is rigged in our favor and through one-pointed attention we have the ability to manifest anything we want in life this dream awakens us to our true power.
The strong intellect, symbolized by a flying dream, is a very practical ability. Many of us who have had flying dreams are aware of our strong intellect. When we have had enough of a particular problem we can step back and consciously decide to see the bigger picture and then make a positive change that supports our new point of view. We need only to make the choice and suddenly and entire world is revealed to us.
Flying also symbolizes projecting your mind which symbolizes three abilities and spiritual gifts that the dreamer possesses.
Firstly, the ability to project our mind onto others. This can be used for good or bad depending on your state of consciousness. It can be useful in marketing, sales and teaching however it is important to be mindful to not think badly of others, as negative thoughts can have a negative effect on those around us. Whether you believe in karma or not you will attract it regardless and will have to deal with its consequences.
The second ability is hypnosis. Hypnosis is achieved by the practitioner projecting the mind onto another subject. By mentally projecting the mind on to the subject, we have the ability to hypnotize those around us. Flying in dreams indicates this is a potential spiritual gift that the dreamer possesses.
The third ability is remote healing—healing from afar. For instance, Jesus performed remote healing on the centurion’s servant in the bible. Each of these gifts are interrelated through the projection of the mind. Through remote healing, the healer projects the thought that the infirm is well and healing occurs by overriding the subject’s thought pattern and belief in illness. By beaming wellness remotely, miraculous healing can occur.
Flying with a Spiritual Guide:
Flying with a Spiritual Guide in a dream indicates you are a channel and are able to communicate with the Spiritual Realm. By traveling to the spirit world, we can communicate with spirits and bring back the messages that we receive; mediums and psychics have these gifts. A Spiritual Guide in a dream is anyone with a title, speaks with authority during the dream, or anyone who offers us a gift in a dream. Finally, flying down from above and landing represents our birth (arrival onto the planet).
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