Who Am I?

Such a profound question with seemingly a myriad of answers.  There are some sages who dug much deeper than the externals of the question and came away with answers that could very well break the code of the mysteries of the Universe.  The masters asked questions few of us consider however if we can understand what the Enlightened Ones did, we could very well live the life of harmony that they lived.

The Question

Who is the witnessing consciousness?  What is the witnessing consciousness?  If we are able to—through one pointed focus of the mind—investigate “Who am I?” we can discover the one true reality.  We have the ability to tap into the “Om” vibration of the God Self and align directly with the Source of Creation in a display of Christ (witnessing, awareness, the remembrance that we are One With God) Consciousness that can heal not only ourselves but each person that we come in contact with.

We must first start by asking:  Was my “I” here before I received a mind and a body?  The answer is Yes.  We are not our mind and we are not our body.  What we are at our very essence is the all-knowing consciousness of our God Self.  We are that consciousness that resides deep within the avatar that we call the body and the mind.  That “I”, when properly activated, allows us to direct the avatar towards what we want to experience in this reality.  This direction—which is guided by the soul—aligns us with our purpose for this Earth incarnation.

Once we begin living in the God Self, we choose what we would like to experience in all aspects of life and the physical expressions of those experiences become our living reality.  Wherever we place our attention forms our reality around us.  Anything we want to experience we place our attention upon it and it activates; those things we don’t want to experience remain a possibility for another soul to realize.  No one is required to experience anything that doesn’t serve their journey of remembrance with the reunification of the Source.

God gave us this gift to express our own Godliness on this plane of existence.  When our “I” aligns with the Will of God we are in harmony with the Universe at large.  We begin operating at the “OM” vibration and we drop the “personality” that has been assigned to us by society and our early life programing.

This can only be accomplished in silence.  Deep contemplative silence.  When we delve into silence, we become the witnessing consciousness.

There are three states where man exists:  Waking state, sleeping state, deep dream state.  In the sleep state, we detach from the mind slowly to create the “space” between the mind and the body.  In dreams, we are able to “witness” ourselves experiencing the projections of the mind.  This proves that our “I” self is separate from our body and our mind because we witness the “body” in our dreams while in the waking state we “believe” that we are our body and our mind.

What we can learn from the deep sleep state is that we can remain a witness to our body and our mind in the waken state.  We can detach from our “personality” and begin living in our “God Self” state thereby becoming fully awakened.

There is One Source of all energetic power in the Universe.  Everything in existence is simply an expression of that One Source.  Each of those expressions eventually merges back into the Original Source once it has experienced its expression.  Therefore, every expression is one of the Source and we are every experience.  The only thing that activates the expression of that experience is when we place our attention on that experience.  Without our attention, the experience fails to exist in our mind.

We choose our reality and the purest of teachings happen through silence.  When we access this state, we then choose not to speak of our experience with God, instead we allow others to experience God through our experience.  Once we have arrived, we build a covenant with our God Self to remind everyone, through our actions, of our Oneness with God and finally answer the age-old question:  Who am I?  I am One With The Source of All Creation.

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