When we open our mind to infinite possibilities, we unleash our potential.
Winter has arrived. The temps dropped to the low 30s and when we awoke it was so cold that Shorty found his way inside the house through the kitty door. He was sitting silently under the kitchen table hoping I didn’t notice him. It was too cold to force him to go back outside so I wished Shorty a good morning and let him sit there until he was brave enough to confront the elements again. He didn’t stay long. As soon as the house starts moving Shorty exits on his own. The activity in the house frightens him, and soon he seeks refuge outside when the house comes alive.
I think Lexi’s death last night has soften my heart a little bit this morning. I realize how transient life is and I know that these moments where Shorty slips inside are brief. One day I will look back on these time with nostalgia so I might as well just enjoy them now.
Adi and I decided to take a quick trip into Fort Worth for breakfast at Eatsy’s. It was a beautiful morning; we shared an omelet and some oatmeal, and talked about the next event we would like to curate in Mineral Wells with our friend, Siri Bahadur. Siri was Adi’s teacher during Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, and we developed a friendship with him that has lasted all of these years following. Adi mentioned to me that she wanted to create an event where people would walk away with a toolkit that gives people tangible things they can do every day to connect with their Highest Self.

We aim to explore the idea of food as medicine, breath as medicine, movement as medicine and sleep as medicine. Also included in this would be community, laughter, reading, and disconnecting from media sources. I have found that when I disconnect from media sources my happiness levels rise, fear dissipates, and anxiety almost completely disappears.
There is no question that by consuming media we invite fear and separation into our hearts and minds and thereby decrease our levels of peace. This is something that hasn’t been talked about nearly enough. When we start to temper down our consumption of media and get outside into nature we begin to reconnect to our own personal truth.
This is why, when possible, I do my practice outside every day. By connecting to the Earth, I begin to remember who I truly am and things that no longer serve my Highest Good no longer resonate with me. During these 40 days, I have noticed that I have greatly reduced my time spent on devices likes phones and computers (minus when I am writing) and my overall mental state has improved dramatically. I didn’t intend for this to happen; it became a natural byproduct of connection to myself once again.
Adi and I hope to begin creating a spiritually minded community in Mineral Wells where we can come together, share ideas, and discover a new, healthy way to live—co-creating with like-minded people who have special talents to share with the world to make this world more loving and kind. By giving people yoga kriyas, breathing, and meditations, we hope to arm people with an arsenal they can use each day to strengthen their central nervous system, balance their mind, while giving them the opportunity to deliver their practice and gifts to the world. Each of us have unique gifts that we were given to elevate the consciousness of the planet and when we join together as one, we have the potential to realize an advanced state of living.
Learn more about Memoirs of a Renaissance Man
We only need the willingness to take the first step together into the field of infinite possibilities where all future manifestation lies. When we “believe” a more harmonious world exists we manifest that very world into our physical reality. By doing so together, we eliminate the fear of “going alone” and realize that together we are stronger, more creative, and more powerful as a group.
A dawn of a new tomorrow awaits all of us; we must simply let go of old paradigms that no longer serve us anymore all the while creating a new pathway forward. This can be done when we open our hearts and minds and dissolve egocentric thinking that keeps us stuck in the past. When we see the other in ourselves, we can then come to understand that everything we do affects the whole. It’s impossible to assault another with our thinking without also assaulting ourselves. When we eliminate “attack thoughts” a new reality emerges, one of co-creation, harmony, and peace.
Adi and I know that you are one of those called because you are reading this missive. This book found you because you are ready to join us. This future is ours if we choose to claim it together.
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