Rainbow Aura

ॐ One crisp afternoon Rumi was walking alone with her red book and newly acquired gold coin in tow.  The red book, her trusty companion, never left her side.  It had been with her as long as she could remember and although the edges were becoming more and more frayed, Rumi wouldn’t think of ever replacing it.  And now that the man had given Rumi a gold coin, she felt as if she had everything she needed in life. Rumi loved the gold coin.  Although it was old, if she held it in the right light, she could see it […]

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Two Gold Coins, One Dry Well

ॐ Rumi was sitting on her favorite bench high up on a cliff overlooking the ocean.  She would sit and watch the waves below crash against the shore.  The sound of the crashing waves became almost like a meditation for her.  Whenever she sat alone, invariably someone would always come and join her.  It was her presence that drew them to her. On this day, a very old man approached her and sat down with her.  It wasn’t long before he began talking with Rumi. “Fear sometimes creeps into my heart in the middle of the night,” he said.  It’s

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The Mango Tree

Santino liked to contemplate the mysteries of the Universe, and there was one question he could never quite answer:  What happens when we die?  The question troubled him and if he were being honest, it troubled him greatly.  He considered death all the time. One day a woman saw Santino meditating under a mango tree.  She watched as he sat for a very long time in silence; this intrigued the woman.  She waited patiently until he finished his meditation and when she felt the time was right, she approached him. “Hello, my friend.  I noticed you sitting in silence.  What

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Isa’s Stance

There once was a great king named Cyrus.  Cyrus had unbridled power in his kingdom, and no one thought or attempted to cross him.  His power was absolute, and he wielded that power with impunity; he was known as “the humiliator of his enemies.”; he was feared yet respected far and wide. Cyrus had one son who was called Isa.  The king’s dream was that one day his only son would follow in his footsteps and lead the kingdom, yet Isa had other plans.  He never understood his father’s lust for power and money, and he shuddered when he considered

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Mike’s Away

My big brother, Michael Ahearn, died at age 56.  My nieces, Shelby and Nicki, asked me if I would write his obituary.  This is the second time I have been asked to write the obituary of one of my siblings at the much too early age of 56.  My oldest sister, Lori, died at age 56 as well.  It wasn’t easy writing her obituary, but we weren’t as close as my brother and I.  Scribing the final footnote of my brother’s life is the single hardest thing I have ever had to write. No matter how many times I have

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