2019: Devil or Divine?

A shift is occurring.  Many people are feeling it.  Time feels like it is speeding up and depending on a person’s perspective either chaos is unfolding or divine opportunity is upon us.  Everything in this life is perspective and as we move into 2019 it is becoming increasingly clear that how we look at life undoubtably becomes a reality in our physical existence.  In short, what we think we become.  See the grace in all situations and grace shall be yours; see the chaos in the world and chaos will be yours. Consult almost any astrologer or numerologist and you […]

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Winter Solstice

As Winter Solstice descends upon us and the end of 2018 nears I am in a divinely contemplative state. The end of one thing and the beginning of another allows us to take stock in our current stage on our journey through life.  Solstice is a beautiful time of year, a time when old chapters close and new glorious chapters arise like a phoenix rising from the ashes of our past experiences. The fertile soil of possibility awaits the planting of the seeds that will sprout the dreams of new tomorrow. For the first time in my life, I have shifted my

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Passing the Torch

Four years ago my father passed away.  Even though my father was 80 years old, it happened very suddenly.  It was Halloween and some trick or treaters decided to deposit some of the chocolate they had collected on the ground near my parent’s home and my father became worried that his dog might eat some of the chocolate and die.  Instead, something far more ominous happened, it was my father who would perish from that fateful choice.  My father, 80 years old and not the least bit agile, decided he was just the person to pick up the candy off

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Through Gratitude We Will Change the World

As Thanksgiving approaches and another year winds to a close, I find myself incredibly contemplative, pondering all that I have been given.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in what is “wrong” with our lives that oftentimes we fail to celebrate what is incredibly “right” with our lives.  For me, there are so many things that have aligned perfectly and I understand that all of these things that are bringing me so much love and joy are also former intentions of mine that have manifested into my material world. Seven years ago, I vowed to change the my

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The Art of Yoga Nidra

As the gentle winds blew in from the Sea of Cortez, Adi and I arose early for our first morning of Yoga Nidra training at Prana Del Mar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  The sun had yet to creep up over the horizon as we started our day at 3:45 a.m. for our morning Sadhana and as we walked to the Sun Room for our morning yoga and meditation, one glance upward revealed a sky that was shimmering with stars.  A meteor shower was in the forecast so the chances of seeing a shooting star or meteor streak across the

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