Evening in Roma

Evening in Roma

Listen on Spotify There is simply nothing as magical as an evening train ride through Europe.  This was a first for Adi, she had never taken a train in Europe and as our train departed the Venice train station we were filled with excitement as we sped through the night to Rome. This trip is one that many may only do once in a lifetime so, suffice to say, it wasn’t cheap. The first twenty minutes of the trip took place in a tunnel under the water that surrounded Venice. I can’t help but marvel at the pure ingenuity of […]

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Texas Hill Country

Listen on Spotify! “Is there any way you guys could leave for Valentine’s Day?”  I applauded the directness from our 21-year-old son.  He wanted to have our home to himself for his Valentine’s date and he thought that Adi and I might cramp his style. “I guess we could,” I responded, slightly shocked that we were being asked to vacate our own home for 24 hours.  When exactly did I lose control of our home, I thought to myself? “Yeah!  We can go somewhere,” Adi responded.  Adi wasn’t offended in the least and in fact, I wonder if she put

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Barcelona: Secret Lover

Listen on Spotify Have you ever fallen so head over heels in love with someone that you thought, at the time, there is no way I can ever find another person that I could love romantically like this only to find out later in life that you indeed could and did for that matter find another that lit the flame of your heart? Or when you had your first child and then thought that there was no way you could ever love another human being with the breath and capacity that you had for your first born only to have

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A Rainy Day in Paris

A Rainy Day in Paris

Listen on Spotify The flight from DFW to Paris flew by. Before Adi and I even knew it, we had touched down at Charles de Gaulle Airport to start our journey across Europe. We were so excited about our upcoming trip that we were five hours into our flight before we stopped talking and then realized when we arrived in Paris it would be 9:30 am and neither of us would have slept in 30 hours. We tried to fall asleep for a couple of hours before we landed but had only drifted off maybe 45 minutes when we were jolted

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Blame it on the Barcelona

Blame It on the Barcelona

Listen on Spotify “Leave the keys on the table in the apartment.” Carlos’ instructions were clear. Both Adi and I talked about it as we were preparing to leave Barcelona to head to our next destination. Remember: Leave the keys on the dining room table. We were simply to set the keys down and then walk out the door of Carlos’ oasis in the middle of one of the most charming cities in the world, close the door and then go on our merry way leaving Barcelona behind us. Check. Got it. No need to worry, we got this; keys

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