
David Daniel is a best-selling author and speaker who tours the world teaching the tenets and philosophy of the improvisational comedy technique, "Yes, And", and yoga and meditation.

I Am

I Am

I Am.  Could there be two more beautiful words that in conjunction with one another define our very existence on this celestial plane called Earth?  People often ponder the mystery of life by asking the questions, “What does it all mean?’ or “Why are we here?”  The answer lies in two simple words.  I Am.  I Am consciousness inhabiting the human form in order to traverse this plane of duality to remember once again that I Am One With God.  I Am You.  You are me.  You are God.  I Am God.  We are God. I Am All questions dissolve […]

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Being Late (Number 10)

When we are late in a dream this is symbolic of being on the karmic path.  When our soul decided to reincarnate on this plane, we had things that we wanted to experience and master in order to evolve spiritually.  Being late in a dream shows us that what our soul planned and promised to learn is essentially behind schedule—our spiritual goals are not being reached. It is important to remember that your soul has chosen every experience you are having in order to grow.  We come to earth in a soul group that has agreed to help each other

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Death and Funerals (Number 9)

Many people are frightened by dreams of funerals and death, however there is no need to fear these dreams—they are not a prophecy of death. A funeral in a dream is posing a question that asks, “If the person in the dream were not around how would you proceed forward with your intentions regarding the dream?”  The dream brings this to the surface because the person in question is most likely the reason why we aren’t doing something and without them in the picture we might behave differently.  You may be doing something only because they are in the your

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Out of Control Vehicle (Number 8)

We use cars to get from place to place in real life and in dreams this refers to striving towards your goals in the dream world.  An out-of-control car means, specifically when the car is moving in reverse means there is something that isn’t serving you on your quest to achieve your goals.  You are literally “stuck in reverse”. Anytime we move “backwards” in a dream this means we must investigate something in your past (behind you in the dream) in order to move forward.  The past isn’t necessarily bad it’s just a pattern we may need to change in

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Falling (Number 7)

Many people don’t realize or believe that when we sleep, we leave our body and travel to the astral plane, which exists on a higher vibrational plane than the physical world.  Once we come to understand that we are a soul inhabiting a body and not a “body with a soul”, we can come to understand that we are interdimensional beings with the capacity to shed the body and travel through the frequencies of the Universe.  As we do this while partaking in these excursions, we meet Spiritual Guides and loved ones (both living and passed) who provide us with

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