
David Daniel is a best-selling author and speaker who tours the world teaching the tenets and philosophy of the improvisational comedy technique, "Yes, And", and yoga and meditation.

Naked (Number 4)

Being Naked… When we are naked in a dream our subconscious is asking us to be ourselves with regards to the subject matter of the dream.  Don’t “dress” things up out of fear and instead be your true essential self—we come into this world in our “birthday suit” and it societal programming and mores that convince us to become something we are not.   This dream is asking you to wake up to your spiritual truth.  The disturbing feeling in the dream is telling us that we feel exposed when we follow our own inner light and indicates the level of […]

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Can’t Find A Toilet (Number 3)

Believe it or not, this is a very common dream.  A “toilet” represents something that isn’t serving us that needs to be eliminated.  The elimination being requested is usually a negative trait that we are carrying around with us which is a result of some past trauma we have experienced.  This is usually the negative influence of someone close to us in our life and not being able to find a toilet is symbolic of not knowing how to heal the situation or relationship in order to move forward. When we see a physical toilet in a dream this is

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Being Chased (Number 2)

Once again, almost everyone has this dream at some point during our life. If someone is behind you and chasing you, this symbolizes that something from the past still has power over you.  While we may feel we are past it, this dream illustrates that in our waking life we are still expending energy to suppress it by putting distance between our conscious mind and the past occurrence. It is important to notice the feelings that come up during the dream because this can be key to unlocking the solution to permanently heal the situation to move forward.  The dream

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Losing Teeth (Number 1)

This is by far and away the most common dream that people share.  The reason this dream is so common is because dreams about teeth falling means one of two things: the first has to do with having children.  Because animals carry their young around with their teeth when we lose our teeth in a dream this symbolizes our off-spring, and it can be triggered by several different things. • Approaching menopause and therefore losing the ability to have children • A physical problem leading to an inability to have children • Not feeling capable of raising a child • Your

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The Magic of Sadhana

“What is sadhana?  It’s a committed prayer. It is self-enrichment.  It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something.  Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best.” I remember the first time I ever heard the word “Sadhana.”  It sounded mystical and somewhat unattainable—a spiritual practice that has the potential to align the practitioner with his or her destiny.  I wondered how this worked and I questioned whether or not I would have the discipline to undertake such a practice. It was my beloved, Adi Bachan Kaur, who brought the idea

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