The Adventures of Adi and David

Join Adi and David on their travels around the world and see a bird’s eye view of all of their encounters.

The Bagel Nazi

  There are certain class distinctions living on Galveston Island, almost like a caste system.  People who call Galveston home are broken up into two specific groups that are identified through two acronyms—BOI or IBC.  Neither Adi nor I knew this until we began mentioning to people that we lived on the island.  Whenever me mentioned this we were met with the question: Are you BOI or IBC?  It didn’t take locals long to discover that we were definitely not BOI because we didn’t know what BOI meant.  Longtime residents quickly detected that we were indeed IBC because any BOI […]

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I Wish It Would Rain Down

Adventures have setbacks.  This is the essence of what makes them adventures.  Adi and I decided that we would rent a 4 X 8 U-Haul trailer to carry only our “essentials” to Galveston.  We are downsizing, we both agreed, and we want to become light and nimble in order to be able to get up and go on a moment’s notice.  Signed, sealed, delivered and written in ink—only our essentials, we reiterated to each other. We never truly know quite how much “stuff” we have accumulated in our life until we decide to uproot and transport these possessions to a

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Very rarely in life do we have such identifiable closings of chapters in our lives.  Most sneak up on us and oftentimes we might not even know a chapter has closed until long after it has concluded.  We try desperately to hang on to what once was however when we do finally realize something has ended it can feel jarring.  I find myself at one such juncture in my life.  I have lived and worked in Fort Worth for almost 25 years and as I look out at the skyline as I write this, I can energetically feel the goodbye that I

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Writer’s Town

Listen on Spotify “Galveston is a writer’s town.”  I remember telling Adi this the first time we visited the island together.  Our first time to Galveston was incidentally my first time to visit the city.  Adi had lived a lifetime in Galveston; her family owns two homes on the island, and they celebrated holidays and summers there where they built memories long before I arrived in Adi’s life. I had no real idea what to expect the first time I came to the island.  I had heard people disparage the place by saying it was a “low rent beach” with

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Colorado and the Magic of 108

Colorado and the Magic of 108

After a long day of shooting Yes & Yoga, Adi and I awoke the following morning and her adventurous side started shining through.  “How about we take a trip for your birthday?” she said as the sun had barely crested over the horizon.  I was turning 51 on July 4th and Adi, ever the travel opportunist, realized that this was the perfect time to make her pitch to go explore the world. “We just finished shooting Season 2, let’s celebrate!  And, it’s your birthday,” she pleaded. I couldn’t deny that I wanted to get out of town and relax for

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