The Adventures of Adi and David

Join Adi and David on their travels around the world and see a bird’s eye view of all of their encounters.

Ultimate Gallbladder and Liver Cleanse

Yes & Yoga, Season 2!

Sat Nam from Costa Rica.  Adi and I are excited to announce the premiere of Season 2 of Yes & Yoga on Amazon Prime Video!  The last 18 months have been transformational in ways that we could have never expected.  We wanted to update everyone on what’s transpired during this time. It took us a little longer than expected for us to complete Season 2 of YAY than we initially thought.  We were set to shoot Season 2 in Costa Rica with an all-new lineup of guests when the world shut down due to health concerns.  The world went into […]

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Nonnie Bear

Adi’s grandmother passed away peacefully on Thursday evening.  Doris Lee Cannon Carter took her last deep breath and ascended into higher consciousness leaving a void that will be difficult to fill.  She was, without question, one of a kind.  She was the rock of the family, the drill instructor, “The Boss” and the single most generous person that I have ever met.  She was nothing less than a lioness—that rare breed that could command a room saying whatever needed to be said and sometimes that which shouldn’t have.  If ever there was a role model of what it looks like

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Most Ideal Day

So, This Is Happiness…

I was talking with a dear friend recently and he asked what I have been doing these last few months.  I mentioned that I am starting a new chapter in my life and leaving my old life behind. “I am putting more of my energy into Yes & Yoga and I am transitioning out of the comedy world,” I told him.  “If I happen to lead myself off of a cliff, I’ll make sure to yell to let you know.  You’ll hear me screaming on the way down,” I jokingly told him. “As long as you’re happy, that’s all that

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Kitties Galore

“I have lived with several zen masters—all of them cats.” —Eckhart Tolle When Adi and I returned to Mansfield after spending last summer and fall in Galveston we made a deal—at least I thought we made a deal; no cats in the house. “I will move back to your family’s land, but I really don’t want any cats living with us,” I requested. “Right!  No problem.  No cats,” Adi replied. Me, being somewhat naïve, assumed that this was the end of that discussion.  We moved back and within days I began noticing that a grey-haired cat (Adi’s dad calls this

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Texas Bluebonnets

The Texas Bluebonnet is somewhat of a rite of passage in the Lone Star State.  Every spring, people from all around take long drives through the Hill Country to gaze at these beautiful flowers that are sprinkled along highways throughout the state.  It’s not unusual to find cars stopped on the shoulder of the road while the occupants of said vehicle cavort through the flowers taking photos with these delicate and ephemeral creatures. With this in mind, Adi and I set out for a Sunday drive to drink in the spring flowers and to feed our never-ending lust for travel. 

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