The Adventures of Adi and David

Join Adi and David on their travels around the world and see a bird’s eye view of all of their encounters.

The Bat Signal (Part Six)…

“You have to make the next move before anything else can happen.” The message was direct.  I could sense it was the energy of my father as he nudged me out of my comfort zone and pressed me to make the journey to Costa Rica.  Signs from the Universe are always interesting markers that can guide us to our destiny.  We can ask for signs to help us down our path however at some point, we must move towards the divination.  We are in a constant state of co-creation with the Universe—a two-step of sorts—and we must play our part […]

The Bat Signal (Part Six)… Read More »

The Zebra and the U-Haul…(Part Five)

Traveling revitalizes my soul.  Whenever I am feeling slightly sluggish nothing invigorates me more than traveling.  I love to experience new places, people, cultures—all of these things remind me of how connected we all truly are.  Nothing dispels our prejudices about another place more than traveling to that place to experience it for ourselves.  Oftentimes, the things we are told about another place don’t necessarily align with the reality of the situation.  I find French people incredible kind in spite of the rumors to the contrary.  My first trip to Paris illustrated to me that if we simply attempt to

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Pink Panther (Part Four)…

My sister died four years ago.  It still seems strange to have a sibling pass away at the relatively young age of 56 and stranger that so much time has transpired since she passed.  Nothing can really ever prepare a person for losing a sibling and it is inevitable that it becomes the compass towards facing one’s own mortality.  We are all going to live forever, we presume, until we are faced with the fleeting nature of our existence.  That is unless we come to understand that we truly never die; instead, we transform back to our original essence.  And

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Costa Rica Calling (Part Three)…

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.” Costa Rica calling…she has stayed on my mind for much of the next few years.  Following my first foray to the island, everything that had given me some semblance of security began crumbling around me.  My sense of self began evaporating (very slowly have you) before my very eyes.  I felt terminally lost and knew that I didn’t have the emotional skills to navigate the daunting road ahead.  In some ways, it felt as if I

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Costa Rica Calling (Part 2): Spectacular Beauty Awaits

Costa Rica calls…In the summer of 2011, I felt my life imploding, mostly on an emotional level.  The foundation of my marriage was crumbling and intuitively we both knew that it was coming to an end.  It’s never easy ending a marriage; instinctively we may have searched for the culprit or wanted to place blame on one or the other, but we knew things just weren’t working.  It makes it especially difficult when there are two young children involved.  My wife (at the time) and I tried to make things as friendly as possible for the kids while the inevitable

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