Have you ever awoken from a dream and thought, “What a strange dream! I wonder what the hell it means.” Almost everyone has and most likely, like everyone, you feel like your dreams are unique and you know what? They are! Your dream is special. Why? Because it’s your subconscious talking to you. Things that are deeply embedded in your subconscious are trying to get your attention and that is why your dream has been swimming around in your mind. At the very core, dreams at night are helping us realize our dreams during our waking hours. Both are connected!
Dreams: What do they mean?
Dreams use symbols, metaphors, puns, family members, friends, pets, colors, animals, numbers and a myriad of other devices to grab our attention to heal something that is buried in our sub-conscious. Most prescient dreams occur during the hours of 2 am and 4 am and this why yogis choose to rise early each morning to do their daily spiritual practice. The yogis choose to actively and mindfully clear their sub-conscious shadow side as opposed to doing so while they sleep, when the messages are often mysterious and vague.
However, for the many of us that choose to sleep during these ripe hours there is hope for redemption. Our dreams provide the pathway to liberation. It is important to remember that dreams are not random—they are messages from your Higher Self trying to direct you towards your life’s purpose.
Dreams call to us in the evening hours and encourage us to awaken to our Divine Purpose in remembrance of why we came here. God created the earth specifically for human beings to spiritually advance. Whenever we are asked, “What is the meaning of life?”—this is our answer. Remembrance that we are One with the Source and to advance spiritually. Each of us has been given spiritual gifts that not only can assist us on our spiritual journey, but also to assist others on their path towards spiritual realization. These gifts are a precious part of our being and they color our journey, making us unique on our path. Dreams, for their part, begin to illustrate to us what gifts we have hidden inside of us that are dormant and long to be awaken.
Discover the top ten most common dreams:
So, What’s Next?
What does all this mean for you? Click below to see what to expect from your personalized Dream Interpretation.
Now that you see how this all works it’s time to book a Dream Interpretation. David would be happy to interpret your dream to reveal what your subconscious has been trying to tell you for years. Tomorrow is a new day! Book an appointment today!
David is currently on a wait-list for all dream interpretation bookings. Check back for future openings.