Dream Interpretation: A Gateway to Inner Knowing
Each night when we drift off to sleep, we enter dream land. This astral space allows us to investigate what is deeply rooted in our subconscious that is preventing us from realizing our greatest spiritual potential. Dreams use metaphors, symbols, and even puns to try to get our attention to what is holding us back in our daily lives.

On average, each of us will have roughly five dream episodes every night, which can last between 15 and 40 minutes. Our dreams are trying to bring awareness to our waking selves that allow us to heal trauma, neurosis, and patterns that do not serve our Highest Good. Dreams reflect who we are, what we need, what we believe in, and they reveal our spiritual gifts that we may or may not know exist.
Dreams are seldom black and white and instead use metaphors and symbols to reveal their hidden meaning. Drum roll please as we reveal the Top 10 most common dreams and meanings. Click the button and see your favorites.
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