The Wisdom Series:

Every new project brings with it the promise of a discovery. We often have one expectation in mind when opportunities arrive, but to the one who is open to the Unknown within any moment, comes new and unique gifts which exceed our wishes.
I don’t have a clear moment in mind when I endorsed the decision to co-op workshops with Adi Bachan, but making that choice opened up a vista of creativity that has been a blessing to my own practice and to the content of the workshops we share.
The two Wisdom Series that we are offering for the first quarter of 2021 are the beginning not only of the practice content of two of the most potent ingredients of yoga, breath and sound/ mantra, but also share and define another facet of yoga experience – that of a supportive community.
We invite you to, certainly, deepen your breath and mantra chops, but also to find the support, inspiration and power of practicing with and learning from yoginis and yogis who embark on an adventure of opening to the Unknown of themselves. As a result of that process we let go of the limitations of little me-ness and discover that the Source of all Being within us and around us shows us how to expand into wider vistas of Infinity.
I wish you love, peace and excellence throughout the coming year.
Siri Bahadur Khalsa