Your dream is special. Why? Because it’s your subconscious talking to you. Things that are deeply embedded in your subconscious are trying to get your attention and that is why your dream has been swimming around in your mind.

Once you have purchased a booking here is how we can get your dream analyzed. You have some homework to do. Your job is to write down every detail that you can remember about your dream. Colors, numbers, names (and their relationship to you), the types of rooms where the dream took place (living room, kitchen, basement etc), hair color, type of vehicle you were in—all of these things have meanings in a dream.
Once you have completed writing your dream in detail, you must give your dream a title (Don’t stress out trying to come up with the perfect title. Sometimes the first thing is best). Why? Your dream is like the movie of your life and all movies have titles. Have fun with it, because dreams are meant to guide you to your fullest potential.
Once you have completed your dream, you will email the dream to David at David needs about 72 hours lead time to complete the dream. He will completely write out the dream analysis with symbols, descriptions and meanings and he will return his completed notes for you to keep. The completed dream analysis is sent via email unless otherwise specified. For an additional charge, David offers a 30-minute Zoom call (link to emailed upon purchase) to discuss your dream after you have had the time to digest the analysis.
Voila! It’s simple and your subconscious mind with thank you. David looks forward to interpreting your dream. Don’t wait, click the button below!
David is currently on a wait-list for all dream interpretation bookings for 2023. Check back for future openings.