Sample Dream

Thank you for giving me the honor of interpreting your dream and going on this journey with you.  A little context about your dream before we get started.  In dreams, you are every person and everything that is described in the dream.  Dreams use other people to show you a side of yourself that you may not be willing to see in yourself and is something you may need to work on or change for you to expand.  I have highlighted the symbols in “red” and the way you word things in “blue”.  I also use italicize or bold the text to highlight how you express your feelings or important themes in the dream.  Spirit Guides are notated in “Purple”.

Take what works for you and disregard what isn’t a fit; if you feel inclined to disregard something, look at it deeply to determine if this may be a blind spot in your life.  This dream is simply your perception and may not be shared with the people that accompanied you in this dream.  With love I offer you this:

Your Dream Revealed:

(The following dream was submitted and interpreted.  This interpretation and the symbols involved are only accurate for the person who submitted the dream.)  

Pirates of the Caribbean: 

I enter a room that resembles a room similar to something on Pirates of the Caribbean. The voodoo woman in that movie, Tia Dalma, her shack is what the room I entered resembled, yet it was a bit simpler… not so many trinkets and things hanging from the ceiling. The room seemed to be filled with red light.

I saw my mother, in a white dress, shorter than she would have worn around us lol.  She moved slowly through the room, rhythmically.  I don’t recall any music, but she seemed to move as if there was some slow, sultry sounding song was being played.  As she got closer, it seemed her dress was like one worn by a bride. She lifted this thin veil that covered her yoni… and she said, “I present to you my womb (dance)”. She danced slowly, and I watched with honor, not fully understanding but honoring the majesty and mystery in which the dance was being performed.  She placed her hand over her mound (area above the yoni, beneath the navel) and, without speaking, explained to me that I was no longer there, within her, within her womb. She then raised her hands and arms to show me that I was now in a much greater womb (of the universe?).

My dream shifted to another scene where my mother was sitting in a room on a bed. I saw her silhouette. Although I only saw the shadowy shape of her silhouette, I noticed that her breasts were exposed as though she was about to breastfeed, but her left breast dripped a drop or two of blood instead of milk.

Then I woke up.


The dream begins by alluding to the fact that you may be seeking freedom, risk, and adventure in your life. You want to explore new adventures and take on riskier ventures (pirate).  Some of these may be spiritual in nature which may be frightening in some way; to come out of the spiritual closet.  As you move into this new phase of your life (room) you may notice that you are beginning to explore more of your spiritual nature and with this the discovery of your spiritual gifts.  We were all given spiritual gifts (trinkets) at birth that were bequeathed to us to help souls advance together in Remembrance of the Divine.  In the past, you may have viewed some of these things as “voodoo” but as you mature into your true spiritual nature you will discover that the essence of our existence is spirit.  We are a spirit that uses a body as a vehicle to move through this plane and not a body that also has a spirit.  At this time, you may even find that you are warding off negative energy in your life that is prohibiting you from fully realizing your spiritual essence (voodoo).

Your beliefs about your own spiritual gifts may be limited at this time (ceiling) and it’s possible that you feel that you have “reached the ceiling of my ability.”  Because ceilings are always over our heads it can symbolize the mind and/or spiritual aspects of yourself. A high ceiling asks you to create a greater space in your mind for the subject matter of the dream (in this case, this dream is about revealing your spiritual gifts which are clairvoyance, mediumship and hands-on-healing; discussed in later passages).  A low ceiling lets you know that your thinking on that subject matter is restricted.  This dream is asking you to “wake up’ (you write: then I woke up.  Almost everyone writes “then I woke up” after scribing a dream) to your true spiritual reality and activate your dormant gifts.  The entire purpose of dreams is to get us, “To Wake Up!” to our spiritual truth.

When you enter this new space in your life (room) and bring passion (red) to your spiritual gifts you have the potential to elevate those around you.  Light indicates that you have a psychic / intuitive gift. You have the ability to shine light into aspects of yours and other people’s lives.  Red light:  Red=passion; light=psychic/intuitive

Because of this gift you have the ability to access your birth mother in the spirit realm, even though she is no longer in body.  Your mother represents the “voodoo woman”—is it possible when you were younger that you viewed you mother as somewhat of a “voodoo woman” because you couldn’t necessarily understand her ways?  This is something only you can answer while contemplating this in silence.  The truth is that you are a lot like your mother.  You share the same gifts.

Because you mention an actress (Tia Dalma) from a film this once again confirms one of your spiritual gifts is that you are a channel / medium (actress means channel or Guide) The words a movie star says in a movie are given to them.  In a similar way, the words a channel passes on are also given to them from the spirit realm.  In addition, you have the spiritual gift of clairvoyance; you have clear vision as symbolized by the television (actress) which is used to view them.

Right from the beginning of the dream you are given symbols identifying your spiritual gifts and this is why you were able to access your mother from the spirit realm.  You can directly communicate with spirits if you only let go of any negative (red) thoughts that you may have been conditioned to believe about psychics or mediums.  Your mother came directly to you in your dream to illustrate that you still have access to a divine union with your earthly mother, who has now returned to simply being in your soul group.

All earthly “titles” have been extinguished and your relationship returns to a state of purity (this is why she came in a white dress.  “White” symbolizes purity.  She “dresses” in “purity” (white dress, dreams often use puns to deliver messages), from the spirit realm where everything is Divine Perfection, without any past pain or anguish hindering the connection.  Also, you say the dress is one that is worn by a bride—a bride stays pure before she is married.  Alternatively, it may represent the most feminine qualities about yourself.  The dream may also symbolize purity and virginal qualities.  In order to activate your ability to channel it is important to tap into your more feminine qualities of listening, compassion, nurturing (milk)—moving into the heart center and living a heart-centered consciousness.

In the dream, you say that your mother’s dress is “shorter than she would have worn around us.” She is choosing to reveal her true self to you and not your limited impressions of her when she was here on Earth.  What you may perceive as out of character for her, she is showing you that in the space of the infinite where she resides her truth is shining forth.  We know that she has entered your field from the spirit realm because there is a slow, sultry song playing.  Music and song symbolize “spirit” and your ability to “channel” messages from the spirit realm.

Anytime we have several symbols indicating a spiritual gift it is assured that you possess this gift—music, song, actress, television, etc.—all indicate that you are a channel/medium.  Your mother knows this to be the case and is working to help you activate the gift. Consider spending time in silence and asking for assistance to access the gift and use it to help those around you.  Try not to fear this, this is a natural state of being.  You may have already experienced this but keep this somewhat of a secret.

Your mother knows your secret, and this is why she lifts the veil from her yoni.   She is lifting the veil of illusion (maya is the Sanskrit word) to show you your truth.  She knows the gifts that you possess, and she is encouraging you to use them.  For a man, a veil signifies the feminine aspects of your character. Perhaps, you need to acknowledge your feminine side in order to activate your God-given gifts.  Your earthly mother is drawing you closer to the “womb of God” (Yoni) in order for you to give “birth” to your true spiritual self.  Yoni means “womb” in Sanskrit and if that isn’t clear enough, she literally says in the dream, “I present to you my womb (dance)”

Your mother is asking you to “dance”.  Dancing represents expression of feelings and is therapeutic for your heart in dreams. The dream is symbolically giving expression because you do not do this in reality.  The only way to activate your gifts is to “dance as if no one is watching.”  She wants you to give “birth” (womb) to this new aspect of your existence.  To see the womb in your dream represents creation, childbirth, fertility and new beginnings.

The dream is also symbolic of fresh new ideas; you have a hands-on-healing ability as another spiritual gift (hands symbolize hands-on-healing).  Your mother may have shared this gift with you as well.  With this healing you channel energy through your hands into your client (if you choose to pursue this).

Your mother now asks you to find your spiritual center (navel) and she is letting you know directly that this connection in the dream is real; navel means she is telling you to reconnect with your mother or that you need to be in touch with your maternal instincts (read the meaning for navel below).  Instinctively you know, “I was no longer there, within her, within her womb.”  She then raised her hands and arms to show me that I was now in a much greater womb (of the universe).”  You are now in the loving Arms of God who will guide you.  Your mother will always be there for you as a soul friend—your mother is liberating you to return to the Universe at large and allow God to direct your life.  Become in service of the Divine and use your gifts to help assist the world in remembrance of our one fundamental truth.  We are One With God.

The way to deepen your connection to the cosmos is through meditation (bed) and other astral activities.  Your mother is sitting on the bed in your dream to tell you to meditate or develop your spiritual practice in some other way—find what speaks directly to you and develop a daily practice to activate your gifts.  Step out of the “shadows” and reveal your true nature that you have kept hidden inside of you.  You may have a fear of being “exposed” but the more you dive into your spiritual nature the more the fear will subside.  In fact, you will discover there was nothing to fear in the first place.

It’s possible that you are currently suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained (blood) which could be inhibiting your spiritual connection.  Seeing blood also denotes bitter confrontations between you and your friends or some of your past actions have come back to haunt you.  All of these things could be hindering your spiritual advancement.

You say in the dream, “her left breast dripped a drop or two of blood instead of milk.”  The breast is meant to nourish the body just as the spirit is meant to nourish the soul.  However, when we are feeling emotionally drained, we are not able to bring our very best forward and we begin to surround our aura with confrontational or less desirable energy (blood) instead of bringing forth love, compassion and kindness (milk).  In order to activate your gifts and nourish your soul and those around you it necessary to move into the heart center and exhibit your more feminine qualities.

Nurture (breast) this side of you to open up your spiritual gifts, which your mother also shared as well (you may be aware that she too shared these spiritual gifts, and this could be part of your connection to her).  From the spiritual realm, your mother is nurturing you (breastfeed) and encouraging you to become all that you can spiritually.  Activate your female, emotional side (left) and your spiritual gifts will rise up.  Your mother sees your gifts and is asking you to realize your spiritual potential.  Live a life that denotes human kindness, wholesomeness, and compassion (milk) and become the way for all those that encounter you.  All of life is a play, live it with zeal—life, love, and passion as well as disappointments—they are all a part of the Cosmic Tableau.

See this as a legacy for and of your mother, one that she can walk step-by-step with you, always there when you need a guiding hand.  You have the ability to communicate directly with her.  Drop the veil of illusion (maya) and see that you are One With the Universe and are a Creator of the Highest Magnitude.  Bask in the maternal glow of your mother who has risen to heights those on Earth can only dream of…

Symbols and meanings:

ROOM: in houses and buildings signify specific things.

Attic: Mind, brain.
Basement: Subconscious.
Bathroom: Elimination, liver, kidneys, colon.

Bedroom: Reproductive system, sexuality, rest, meditation, astral activities.
Dining room: Communication, interaction, digestive system.
Hallway: Transition, uterus.
Kitchen: Digestive and elimination system.

Landing: Transition.
Stairs: Spine.
Wiring: Central nervous system.
An overcrowded room signifies your lungs as it is hard to breathe in such locations.

PIRATE:  To see a pirate in your dream signifies that some person or situation is adding chaos to your emotional life. You feel that someone has violated your integrity or creativity. Alternatively, the pirate may symbolize freedom, risk, and adventure. You want to explore new adventures and take riskier ventures.

To dream that you are a pirate suggests that you are taking advantage of others. The dream may be a metaphor that you are “pirating” something and taking something that does not rightfully belong to you.

SEA:  The sea symbolizes life and spirituality in dreams, except when dirty or polluted, in which case it symbolizes your circulatory system.  Drowning at sea indicates that you feel completely overwhelmed with life right now. There is so much going on that you feel like you are going under. The rest of the dream has symbols for why this is how you feel, and this should give clues as to what you need to do to overcome it.

Rescuing someone lost at sea indicates you have a special spiritual ability. When people die, we often assume that the transition to the spirit world is a straight-forward process that happens automatically. This is not always the case. Souls have to traverse the astral plane to get to where they need to be. However, the astral plane is vast, and souls often get lost in a state of confusion there. When you sleep, and your soul leaves your body, you also visit the astral plane. Your special ability is to find souls lost on this plane and help them to the other side. How you have this ability is irrelevant. It is important that you do not refuse to rescue people in your dreams as this indicates reluctance on your part to using your gift. While you are not immediately rewarded physically for doing this, your actions do lead to positive karma.

VOODOO:  To dream that you are practicing voodoo suggests that you are subconsciously trying to ward off some surrounding negative energy.

ACTOR/ACTRESS:  A movie actor or actress indicates that you are a channel / medium.  The words a movie star says in a movie are given to them. In a similar way the words a channel passes on are also given to them.

A TV actor or actress indicates that you are clairvoyant. You have clear vision as symbolized by the television which is used to view them.

To see a voodoo doll in your dream represents a primitive and shadowy aspect of yourself.

TIA DALMA:  was a mysterious Caribbean soothsayer. A mystic who wields the power of voodoo-like magic, there was more to her than meets the eye. Before she was known as Tia Dalma, she was the sea goddess Calypso, until the First Brethren Court tricked the goddess and imprisoned her into the body of a mortal woman.

TIA:  Means “godly” or “goddess”.

DALMA:  Means “lead metal” or “tin”.

TRINKET:  Symbolic of a spiritual gift.  Look for other symbols to discover what the gift is…

CEILING: can symbolize a limitation as in I reached the ceiling of my ability. As they are always above your head ceilings can symbolize the mind and / or spiritual aspects of yourself. A high ceiling asks you to create a greater space in your mind for the subject matter of the dream. A low ceiling lets you know that your thinking on that subject matter is restricted.

RED:  symbolizes joy, sexuality, aggression, animal passion and fun. It is the color associated with your base chakra which is responsible for keeping you grounded.

Red in dreams often indicates passion and joy. In a negative context it symbolizes anger. For example, to dream of your fiancé in a dress with a red border would indicate that your passion is border line in the relationship.

LIGHT:  A light in a dream indicates that you have a psychic / intuitive gift. You have the ability to shine light into aspects of yours and other people’s lives.

MUSIC/SONG:  Music or a musician in your dream indicates you have the ability to channel. You can communicate with discarnate spirits. If you accept that you are a body with a soul. then communication with spirit is not so alien. It is merely one soul communicating with another.

BRIDE:  To see a bride in your dream symbolizes a union or partnership.

To dream that the bride is shot at her wedding suggests that a feminine aspect of yourself has come to an abrupt end.

If you are single and dream that you are a bride represents your desires for marriage. Alternatively, it may represent the most feminine qualities about yourself. The dream may also symbolize purity and virginal qualities.

VEIL:  To dream that you or someone is wearing a veil represents something that you wish to hide or conceal. Things may not be what it appears to be. In particular, if you are a man and dream you are wearing a veil, then it signifies the feminine aspects of your character. Perhaps, you need to acknowledge your feminine side. Alternatively, a veil symbolizes humility, coyness or innocence.

YONI:  Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to literally mean the womb.

DANCE:  Dancing represents expression of feelings and is therapeutic for your heart in dreams. The dream is symbolically giving expression because you do not do this in reality.

HAND:  To dream of hands indicates you have a hands-on healing ability. With this healing you channel energy through your hands into your client.

A skeleton hand in a dream it means you need to breathe life into your healing ability. You are literally letting it die.

WOMB:  To dream that you are still in the womb suggests that you are regressing into a period of time when you were safe and completely dependent. You may be trying to escape from the demands of your daily life.

To see the womb in your dream represents creation, childbirth, fertility and new beginnings.  The dream is also symbolic of fresh new ideas.

NAVEL:  To see your navel in your dream represents your being and self. The dream may indicate that you need to find your center and middle ground. Alternatively, to dream of your navel signifies the bonding to their mother.

To dream that you or someone has a navel piercing denotes your deep connection with your mother. Perhaps the dream is telling you to reconnect with your mother or that you need to be in touch with your maternal instincts.

BED:  Beds symbolize your reproductive system, sex, rest, meditation and astral activities.

SHADOW:  To see your own shadow in your dream signifies an aspect of yourself which you have not acknowledged or recognized. It may be a quality about yourself or a part of you that you are rejecting or want to keep hidden. These qualities may not necessary be negative but can be creative ones. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are in someone else’s shadow. You are constantly being overlooked and are fed up with it.

To see a shadowy figure in your dream represents characteristics which you have not acknowledged or incorporated into your own personality. Alternatively, it symbolizes the young, the helpless or the under-developed.

BREAST:  Breasts symbolize nurturing in dreams. For example, if a friend has exposed breasts in a dream it is a request for you to use your nurturing / leadership abilities in social settings.

LEFT:  Left in dreams can symbolize your female side, emotions or the past. For example, if an angry woman is standing to your left you are asked to let go of the negative effects of your mother’s anger – leave it in the past (left).

MILK:  To see milk in your dream symbolizes maternal instincts and motherly love. It also denotes human kindness, wholesomeness, and compassion. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that someone is “milking” you, either emotionally or financially. If you spill milk in your dream symbolizes a loss of faith, opportunity, and trust.

BLOOD:  To see blood in your dream represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word “blood” written in your dream, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed. If something else is written in blood, then it represents the energy you have put into a project. You have invested so much effort into something that you are not willing to give it up. If you dream of blood on the walls, then it is a warning of sorts. There is a situation that you need to confront. You cannot avoid it any longer. More specifically, if blood is on the bathroom walls, then it indicates that the situation that you need to confront is an extremely emotional one.

To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends.  Some of your past actions have come back to haunt you. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding shortly before or during their periods or while they are pregnant. For a pregnant woman in particular, blood in dreams is symbolic of the life force that they are carrying. Such dreams are also a reminder to take things slow. To dream that others are bleeding signifies an emotional cry for help. If you dream that you are giving or donating blood, then it suggests that you are feeling physically drained due to stress. If blood is squirting everywhere, then the dream implies that you are experiencing some deep emotional stress. You are literally bursting.

To dream that you are drinking blood indicates that you have a fresh burst of vitality and power. If you dream that you are coughing blood, then it represents wasted energy. You are spending too much time on counterproductive activities.

If you are interested in learning more about your dream book an appointment with David today!

Interpret My Dream