The Big Move

So many changes are on the horizon.  My comedy show, Four Day Weekend, is dark due to Covid 19.  In theater terms, this means closed.  The very thing that has taken up the majority of my attention for the last 23 years has unceremoniously come to an end (at least for the time being).  Like many people, I have reached this interesting stage of my life where I am literally not sure what the future holds or where I am headed.

Adi and I walk each day contemplating our next move and we realized recently that it is time for a change—an adventure of sorts.  There are very few times where life presents such a clear cut time for a change but this is what undoubtably has happened and I am left with two ways moving forward:  resist the change and try to hold on to the past or let go and allow a new future to unfold.

With everything I have learned that Adi and I also teach, there seems to be only one way moving forward.  I know I must surrender fully to what the Universe has to offer.  Is this scary?  No question.  Being out of work in one’s early 50s is not the ideal time for a career change especially given that I have no tangible work skills.  This is the scariest of all possibilities.  Is it exhilarating?  It can’t help but be.  I am in unchartered territory.  Everything I have ever worked for is evaporating in front of my very eyes but the thing that I know is true is this is where the greatest possibility lies.  Before us lies a vast expanse of endless possibilities and our only job is to dive headfirst into these possibilities and allow God/Universe to guide us towards our destiny.

With this in mind, Adi and I have decided that we are moving to Galveston (from Fort Worth) for the next few months while my show is on hiatus and see what the future holds for us.  Her parents own a home there that is unoccupied and we have always dreamed of living on the beach—our dream is Kauai in Hawaii—and as Adi so eloquently pointed out to me when I was in a state of doubt, “If we can’t even move to Galveston to live in my parents home for a few months while we figure out our next move what makes us think we could ever have the courage to move to Hawaii?”

On our walk today Adi suggested that I write about our adventures.  “Everyone dreams of one day taking that big risk that seems impossible and if we can’t do it, who can?   Use your skills as a writer to tell our story.  Call it The Adventures of Adi and David.”

The gauntlet was thrown down.  I am diving headfirst into this new chapter of my life and I am opening my heart to anyone who wants to join Adi and me on this journey.  There will be ups and downs I am sure.  We will come out fine no matter the outcome but as many of us know, life is about the journey and not the destination.

For now, we are going to finish shooting Season 2 of Yes, And Yoga and when that is complete, we are leaving Fort Worth.  In a month we will be in our new “temporary” home in Galveston.   Join us on this journey.  It’s bound to be entertaining.

Sat Nam!

How Adi and David met!

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