Pure Life

I stopped writing earlier this year.  It wasn’t intended; it just naturally materialized.  My passion for writing abated and I found I had nothing that I wanted to share with anyone.  For that matter, I didn’t think I knew anything that was worth sharing.

Que será, será, to the year 2021.  Whatever will be will be.  This became my mantra for the last couple of years.  All the answers that I thought I knew turned out not to be true.  Everything I believed to be so, in fact, turned out to be years of programming that hadn’t served my greatest good.  In the last year, I began questioning almost everything that I had been told or was currently being told to me.  I began trusting my inner guidance and my own personal experience over the narrative I was being conditioned to believe to be true.  I certainly didn’t share the world’s hysteria that was being propagated around the world.  Somewhere along the way we lost the ability to trust ourselves.  We put our faith in institutions that have never been there to support our greatest good and in the process, we have lost ourselves.

We were told to stay inside away from the world.  We were told to sequester ourselves from the world and stop interacting with those that we loved the most all in the name of keeping everyone safe.  We have been told to fear one another because we may become sick or worse, get someone else sick.  The unspoken side effects of all of this is that mental health around the world is suffering, depression is on the rise, physically people have stopped getting outside and moving their bodies, the sunlight that is so necessary for our vibrant health became our enemy as we holed up in our homes fearing some hidden “enemy” that could take our life, and most importantly, love for one another was replaced with fear of one another.  It is vital that we ask ourselves who benefits from this.  When has it ever been wise to abandon one another at the time when we need every person on this planet the most?

Sometime around August, during my morning meditation, I asked for inspiration.  “Divine Source, if there is some way that you’d like me to serve please bring me the inspiration to begin whatever project you intend for me.”  Enter Pure Life.  Adi and I had toyed with the idea of creating a new show centered around recapturing our personal health by finding alternative ways to get healthy.  It seemed that everything we were being told about health was not only suspect and counterintuitive; it was completely contrary to what truly serves us as humans.

Adi and I got with some friends and colleagues, and we decided to create a show called Pure Life which focuses on four main components of health that when properly addressed become the only health care we truly need:  Breathe, Eat, Move, Sleep.  We are currently in production on this new show that will encourage the viewer to get outside in the fresh air, move our bodies, while eating nutrient dense unprocessed foods and getting plenty of quality rest at night.   This includes limiting our computer and cell phone use before bed which hinders our rest; only recently has more awareness has been brought to this subject.  We will also illustrate the power of our breath and how sound can fundamentally be used to heal certain mental infirmities in the human mind.   Combined with a dedication to become healthier, every person on the planet will benefit from understanding each of these modalities.

Pure Life will follow the journey of three people who are struggling with various challenges that include Type One Diabetes, addiction to drugs and alcohol, and those struggling with depression or PTSD; each will be assisted by various guides in alternative health solutions to aide these folks in reclaiming their own health through empowerment and guided actions.  Our goal is to film the show on location in Costa Rica to illustrate the power of returning to nature, allowing the sunlight, trees, soil, fresh air, rivers and ocean, fresh foods prepared to maximize nutrients and natural herbs and plant medicine to heal each person authentically—with lasting results.  By taking care of the temple we call our bodies and mind, we begin to put our faith once again in the Divine Intelligence of our body which was designed to heal itself.

This show will not simply help people cosmetically to look better after six or eight weeks for the purpose of showing results, instead we will make it clear that vibrant health is a constant process that never ends even after filming commences.  It is imperative that each of us takes command and responsibility for our own health as it is becoming more and more obvious that are current systems are not serving our physical and mental health.

It is possible to reclaim our health, however, each of us need to take the first step on this journey.  Others will be there to guide us but ultimately it is up to us strengthen our immune system to maintain vital physical and mental health.  Pure Life will be here to help guide you on your personal journey.  We look forward to reclaiming our vibrant health together as we move into this new time on Earth.  All we are missing is you.

6 thoughts on “Pure Life”

    1. When we come together as a community of souls anything is possible. Let us all get back to living the Pure Life!

      Sat Nam and may you stay eternally blessed on your journey!


    1. Lisa,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write. The world is awakening to new possibilities and in my heart I know all of this has been necessary in order to help us awaken to create a healthier and more vibrant world. May you and yours have vibrant health in the coming new year. Sat Nam!


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