So You Want to Do a Gallbladder and Liver Cleanse?
(An excerpt from my new book, Memoirs of a Renaissance Man.)
Anyone who has ever met Adi knows that she can convince almost anyone to try something unconventional. I call her Lucy after Lucy Ricardo on I Love Lucy. Lucy always convinced Ricky of doing things that he wasn’t particularly fond of doing; this is where I come in. I am Ricky to Adi’s Lucy. Whenever she says, “I have an idea” I know I’m in for trouble (in a good way).
Adi informed me a couple of weeks back that she thought it would be wise for us to do a liver and gallbladder cleanse.
“And,” she covertly added, “I think you should write about it. I think a lot of people will want to read your account when they go through this themselves.”
I’m sure you won’t be shocked to discover that this was not high on my list of things to do. If I were to have a bucket list (I don’t. If I want to do something I just do it, I don’t need a list to encourage me) this wouldn’t rank in the top 500 things to do.
“I’d rather not,” I sheepishly respond.
“Come on, it will be fun!”
Webster’s Dictionary, the longstanding authority on the definition of words, has a pretty straightforward meaning for what they consider fun:
Something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.
Enjoyment or playfulness: She’s full of fun.
A liver/gallbladder cleanse would be no picnic and if Adi convinces me to do this, I highly doubt that I’ll consider her to be “full of fun”. I think I may be wise to consider buying Adi an updated copy of Webster’s Dictionary so that in the future she can be a little more selective with her choice of words, but I digress…
Adi can be persistent and, in her persistence, when she really wants to do something, little can be done to quell her enthusiasm. In fairness to her, she is always looking out for our family’s best interest, and I always keep this in the forefront of my mind whenever I attempt to put up resistance. I have to size up my battles like General George S. Patton, back in the days when he was one of America’s top fighting generals. Pick your battles and pick them well; most importantly, never choose a battle that you know you are going to lose.
Patton once famously said, ““Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable.” Patton never met Adi.

With this is mind, I’ve seen when Adi is determined and in these cases I find it’s best to just submit and hope for the best; with this in mind, liver and gallbladder cleanse, here we come!
So, to give a little background, about a year ago Adi and I purchased what is called a Health Analyzer. This extraordinary device is able detect everything from micro-organisms, bacteria and heavy metals and pinpoint exactly where each of these reside inside the body. The incredible thing about this device is that it gives people a “target” to identify areas to be addressed to bring the body back to homeostasis.
Our bodies are meant to heal themselves and when we address concerns at the earliest possible juncture, we give ourselves the ability to stay healthy and strong as we age. Practitioners of the east have been using preventative approaches to healthcare for years.
The Health Analyzer measures what’s going on inside the body, in every organ. Electromagnetic pulses of sound waves are generated into Bio-Inductive headphones that are worn during testing while also holding a sensor-filled paddle. The system evaluates the energy and frequency of each organ. The resulting resonance is measured and organized for practical use. It can detect microorganisms, bacteria, mold/fungus, emotions, toxins, heavy metals and more. Once the results of the test are revealed, a wellness plan can be designed using natural herbs and supplements to help address all areas of concern in way that helps the body return to a state of vibrant health.
This device is principally based upon electromagnetism research and discoveries of Nikola Tesla while George Lakhovsky’s studies on the effects of radio waves on animal and plant life directly contributed to the development of this technology as well. Royal Rife took it to another level with his research on electromagnetism and the human body. He helped pioneer the new era of bio-electromagnetic therapy and his work is fundamental to the development of this technology known as Non-Linear Analysis System (NLS). Later discoveries and application of the principles of resonance by R. Voll and Kirlian helped solidify the validity of this new era of energetic medicine.
What all can it detect? Quite a lot. Microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, helminths, pathologies, allergens, pollutants, emotions, chakras, toxins, heavy metals, and much more. It accurately determines important frequencies resonating in the person’s body that may be preventing the body from functioning optimally.
When Adi and I discovered this technology in Costa Rica in 2021, she couldn’t have been more excited. Our son, Brennon, has lived with Type 1 Diabetes and healers in Costa Rica firmly believed he could reverse the effects of his debilitated pancreas by removing parasites and mircro-organisms, especially if we knew this when he was first diagnosed. When we got our son tested using this device, Adi made it her mission to buy a machine and then help people who were struggling with their health back home in the states.
“I love working with this technology because it can help accurately identify root causes that are present and causing stress and harm to the body. Then from a more informed place, decisions about remedies and how to heal can be made. It’s beyond empowering!”
Our journey to help people on their own personal health expedition had started and with it the re-introduction of several forgotten regimens that our ancestors employed to keep themselves healthy. Things like the importance of colonics, intermittent fasting, and health benefits of eating meat, which has been maligned in recent years, just to name a few.
So, let’s get to why more specifically a person would want to do a gallbladder/liver cleanse. Most people believe that gallstones can be found only in the gallbladder. As Adi began educating me more about this, I came to find that this is a false assumption. Most gallstones are actually formed in the liver and only a few in the gallbladder. Anyone who ever given themselves a liver cleanse, regardless of whether they are a layperson, a medical doctor, a scientist, or someone who no longer has a gallbladder and is believed to be free of gallstones altogether, knows that gallstones exist primarily from the liver.
An estimated 20% of the world’s population will develop gallstones in their gallbladder at some stage in their lives. This figure, however, does not account for the many more people who will develop gallstones in the liver. Gallstones in the liver are the main obstacle to maintaining health, youthfulness, and vitality. They are indeed one of the major reasons why people fall ill and have difficulty in recuperation from an illness.
The failure to recognize gallstones in the liver may be an important missing link in the field of medicine, both orthodox and complementary. By understanding how gallstones in the liver contribute to the development of almost every type of disease and by taking the steps of removing these obstructions, every person can discover for themselves an easy method to restore health on a permanent basis. The implications of applying the liver cleanse are both vast and rewarding. To have a clean liver is like having a clean start in life.
So, these are the reasons why Adi convinced me to do a gallbladder/liver cleanse. There is much evidence that gallstones contain old, stored energy, much of it negative, that have we carried around for a sizable chunk of our lives and by ridding our systems of these invaders we have the possibility of growing spiritually as well as physically.
It made practical sense to me once she explained this, and she asked me to chronicle our experience of partaking in the cleanse and writing about it daily. She asked me to document my feelings, notices changes in behavior, and offer a roadmap to others who may embark on this journey.
“Make it fun,” she said. I handed her Webster’s Dictionary when she said this and I said “Consult page 108.”
The 40 days that follow our initial cleanse are as much about spiritual understanding as cleansing our body. When I started this work, the book was primarily going to be focused on the cleanse, but what transpired was something entirely different. Yes, I do chronicle what happens daily with Adi and me but what I came to understand was this book became about our daily habits, interests, and way of life that comprehensively addresses physical, mental and spiritual health.
As I documented our 40 days, I realized the book was about a vast array of different topics including Vedic Astrology, dream interpretation, chess, music, books, and Kundalini Yoga, which Adi and practice daily. I credit our daily yoga and meditation practice with transforming our lives and leading us down a path neither of us could have ever expected. After more than five years, Adi and I began our journey down a comprehensive wellness path that, quite frankly, was never even an interest of mine.
When we practice Kundalini Yoga we use the mantra, Sat Nam. A mantra is a sound we use to project our mind on a particular frequency. Sat Nam is often translated as ‘true name’, ‘true vibration’ or ‘Truth is my identity.’
But to really grasp the meaning of Sat Nam, the dictionary meaning is not much help. Instead, to understand Sat Nam, we must turn to physics and experience our own consciousness.
If we were to take a string and stretch it, pluck it, strike it, or rub it, the string releases a sound that fills the air with sound waves. A violin is a sophisticated model of this; symphonies become even more sophisticated. Similarly, when we sit with a long, tall spine and vibrate the sounds Sat Nam from the root of our spine through the brain and into our auric field, we are a-tuning the symphony that is our own being to the infinite truth of all being. So, Sat Nam is less of a word or expression; it is an experience of the true essence when we align with all Truth. This truth is not a matter of true and false or right and wrong—this truth has more to do with grooving within the essence of all that is true within the fabric of the Universe.
If we do this enough through practice, everything that is our Truth presents itself to be witness and experienced and that which is untrue dissolves through the vibration of the mantra. It takes time; it takes practice; rest assured, the results will arrive if we are faithful to our Truth and willing to put the work into our own personal betterment.
This book became its own being. It started as a book about our gallbladder/liver cleanse, and it became something more. When I started, we were going to call the book, Letting Go: Purifying the Mind, Body, and Soul. About halfway into writing the book, I realized this book was about more than just letting go. It became about a renaissance of self. We settled on Memoirs of a Renaissance Man: An Aspirant’s Account.
If we look up the meaning of “renaissance” it is described as “a revival of or renewed interest in something.” This journey became about a “revival” and a “renewed interest” in our own Personal Truth. This odyssey was about eliminating the noise in our life and reclaiming ourselves in a way that takes personal dedication and discipline.
Do we have all the answers? Not even close. Could all the ideas contained within this book change? Without question. This is what we have learned and discovered up to this point and tomorrow, with new information, things could change; we will learn more, share more and be humble throughout the process and welcome new and improved information. This is a journey—we are aspirants, who will continue to seek and always willing to be open to new ideas as they arrive.
For at one time, the world was flat, and the Sun revolved around the Earth—until we learned differently. The only impediment to growth is the hubris in believing we know everything. In this vast Universe, this simply isn’t possible.
Adi and I welcome you on this journey and we thank you for joining us. May you, your family, and friends live lives that are happy, healthy and holy.
Sat Nam!
To purchase Memoirs of a Renaissance Man, click the link below. Ebook and paperback available.