Ayurveda, Infrared Saunas, and the Path to Holistic Health
It was that time of year once again. Sauna time. Adi cheerfully reminded me that I haven’t been parking in the sauna lately and she convinced me to start once again making a reservation inside our infrared sauna.
In fairness, I have let this good habit slip by me lately and intuitively I knew it was time to start getting back into the sauna. I know how important this Health Hack is and it comes with a myriad of benefits. The temperatures have dropped into the 30s at night once again in Texas and our home is much cooler—a sauna sounded nice.
I set myself up in our portable (yes, portable and easy to use) Thersage Infrared Sauna and to pass the time I played a game of chess while I was in there. I put on my 1930s and 1940s Big Band playlist, which includes Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and Ella Fitzgerald—it was time for a sauna party. On top of setting the mood for a great 30 minutes, there are a myriad of health benefits that come with taking the time for myself by sitting in the sauna. Let’s take a look at why this is so important.
Ayurveda, known as the “Mother of Medicines”, has been using various sweating therapies, including “hot rooms” (likes saunas) for more than 5,000 years. These rooms were used not only to improve physical health, but also to enhance our spiritual experience.

The ancient science of Ayurvedic medicine teaches us that detoxification, relaxation, and energy generated from an infrared sauna can help us achieve balance of the mind and body and connect with the infinite power of nature. Sweat therapies have been used throughout Ayurveda for thousands of years, and with the development of infrared saunas in recent times, Ayurvedic principles of sweat therapies demonstrate that it not only improves our physical health, but it also expands our spiritual experience of life. Just as the mind and body are interconnected, so are the benefits of sweating therapy , infrared sauna, and the ancient science of A yurvedic medicine.
The knowledge of Ayurveda teaches how to align to the infinite power of nature to live a long and healthy life with maximum fulfillment, abundance, and freedom. Each day we are exposed to multiple heavy metals, toxins, and pollutants and saunas help to detoxify our systems of each of these potential harmful intruders.
Our skin is our largest organ and by opening our pores we create an environment to release these potentially harmful invaders while in the process purifying our body, mind, and spirit. Saunas have many benefits including improved blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, cleansing the skin while boosting our immunity. The byproduct of this is an expanded consciousness that offers an enhanced spiritual experience through the mind-body connection of the sweating human.
As Adi explained to me the overall benefits of doing regular saunas, I came to realize the importance of maintaining the practice regularly (with her persistent encouragement). Let’s take a close look at some of the benefits:
Check out David’s other Health Hacks in his book Memoirs of a Renaissance Man!
Cardiovascular Health:
Even a starter-kit dry sauna (which is essentially what Adi and I have) can boost the overall body circulation. Regular treatments stimulate the internal layer of blood vessels, and this helps blood pressure regulation. The induced sweat also speeds up the blood flow and enhances our heart health.
More so, weekly sauna sessions fight arterial stiffness and strengthen the dilation of blood vessels. Research has shown that men who made up to seven trips to the sauna per week had a 50% reduced risk of elevated blood pressure. In most cases, circulation improvements resemble the effects of moderate exercise. Plus, due to the increased circulation, frequent sauna exposure can improve your stamina and athletic performance.
Toxins Elimination:
Our body is prone to absorbing harmful elements that must get disposed of through urine, blood, or perspiration. Hence, heavy sweating is one of the healthiest ways to eliminate toxins. To illustrate, phthalates (found in cosmetics, utensils, and paints) get released twice more in sweat than in urine.
Moreover, a dry sauna can help to get rid of harmful toxins, such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic stored deep in the skin. Other toxins that get flushed out while sweating in the sauna include BPA, mercury, and nicotine. Each of these, when left unaddressed, provide a perfect environment for “dis-ease” to manifest in the body.
Improved Mental Health:
Besides physical benefits, dry saunas treat our mind in a calming way. Professional sauna chambers are comfortable, peaceful, and dark, so they boost our emotional and mental wellbeing. Basking in a dry heat sauna will help our mind relax by enabling it to escape from reality.
At first, we’ll experience deep relaxation and stress relief that can lower the risk of various mental disorders. Moreover, sauna heat relaxes the muscles and stimulates the production of endorphins.
These hormones are natural chemicals that make us feel good and create a glow after sauna exposure.
The list of positive mental impacts goes on. Daily sessions will reduce the cortisol levels and lead to less anxiety and tension. The lower the cortisol presence, the higher your spirits and sleep quality.
Skin Care and Exfoliation:
Spending time in a dry sauna is a true gift for skin health. One way to enhance our epidermis is to bring more nutrients to the skin surface to stimulate cell growth. By opening up our pores, this creates the ideal environment for cell growth and the results make for healthier and more vibrant skin.
Dry saunas also reduce skin irritation and inflammation. That’s because heavy sweating has a cleansing effect and removes impurities
Lastly, dry heat stimulates the release of beta-endorphins in the body. These natural elements diminish the perception of pain and act as sedatives. Sweating also induces the production of euphoric hormones, which fight off depression symptoms. After a few sessions, we may notice that the dry, itchy, red patches in our skin improves while some people have witnessed acne, eczema, and psoriasis being completely healed.
Saunas will also relax facial tension and moisturize the skin. The emitted heat activates the sebaceous glands, which produce a fatty substance that lubricates the skin surface. Increased sebum production leads to luscious, rejuvenated skin with a hydrated glow. We look younger and feel better.
Muscle and Joint Recovery:
Intense physical activity activates our muscles, and microscopic tears form as a result of strain. Though these tears will make our body toned, we often experience cramps, soreness, and inflammation, especially as we get older.
To strengthen our musculature, it needs to heal first and this is where heat comes into play. Dry sauna sessions will stimulate blood circulation and thus speed up muscle recovery while our accelerated bloodstream brings more oxygen to the muscles, this relieving tension.
Improved Immunity System:
Never underestimate the power of dry heat when fighting the common cold and flu. Regular sauna treatments prevent congestion and keeps airways functioning. Moreover, even home sessions in a sauna blanket can lower the risk of contracting a viral infection.
Heat exposure stimulates your bloodstream to carry immunity boosters to all areas of the body. Thus, the heat shock protein that activates antigen-presenting cells comes to light. Thanks to the cytokine, our body’s natural immune system wakes up. Once we strengthen our body’s resistance, it becomes easier to fight off the flu and other viruses and bacteria.
If possible, this is an important tool to add to anyone’s health regimen. As we are exposed to more and more toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants we need to take steps to eradicate these as expeditiously as possible.
Happy sauna!
HEALTH TIP REMINDER: Following your sauna always take a shower to rinse off to cleanse yourself of any toxins that may have been released. Consider taking a “toxin binder” like Bentonite Clay or Cell Core has a line of binders that work exceptionally well.
Are you an overachiever with your health? Add oil pulling to remove even more toxin. (Click to read more).