“Is there any way you guys could leave for Valentine’s Day?” I applauded the directness from our 21-year-old son. He wanted to have our home to himself for his Valentine’s date and he thought that Adi and I might cramp his style.
“I guess we could,” I responded, slightly shocked that we were being asked to vacate our own home for 24 hours. When exactly did I lose control of our home, I thought to myself?
“Yeah! We can go somewhere,” Adi responded. Adi wasn’t offended in the least and in fact, I wonder if she put our son up to this. She loves to travel and for her, any reason is a good reason to hit the road. “It’s Valentine’s Day—let’s have a road trip date!” she said with enthusiasm.
If I was being honest and allowing the curmudgeon in me to lighten up, I liked the spontaneity of the idea. “Where to?” I asked knowing she would have ideas percolate pretty quickly.
“How about The Hill Country?!”
For those that have never been, The Hill Country in Texas is a real gem. This captivating region is known for its picturesque landscapes, rolling hills, and charming small towns. When you think small town Texas and the best that it has to offer, The Hill Country comes in first on the list. Stretching across central Texas, this area is characterized by limestone hills, clear-flowing rivers, and abundant wildflowers.
Each year, people from all over are drawn to the Hill Country for its spectacular beauty, outdoor recreational activities, and a laid-back lifestyle. For years the Brazos River has become a mecca for those looking to innertube down the river while drinking beer and soaking up the sun; however, there is so much more to offer than a simple “drunk float” through this stunning region that offers a respite from the bustling city life.
The Hill Country is a perfect escape for those seeking tranquility and a connection to nature. Visitors and residents alike are enchanted by the charming towns, wineries, and barbecue joints that dot the landscape, fostering a sense of community and hospitality. Its unique blend of scenic vistas and warm, welcoming atmosphere makes it a beloved destination for both Texans and tourists alike.
I was sold, “The Hill Country it is!” I said as Adi and I packed up our overnight bag and headed out on the road. Without any specific destination in mind, we began our drive at noon and set our first stop for Waco, Texas where Adi planned up lunch at Café Homestead. I knew nothing of this place and was beyond impressed with this hidden diamond that was tucked away north of Waco, Texas. The community is described as an “intentional Christian community” and is on a 550-acre farm that grows its own crops and raises livestock in a sustainable fashion. Café Homestead is a farm-to-table restaurant and is the #1 restaurant destination on Trip Advisor for Waco. Everything served in this restaurant comes from the land that it sits upon—all fresh, farm-raised with love and served with a warm smile.

When we arrived around 1:30 pm the restaurant and it was still bustling. I was surprised by how new the building felt until we discovered some fascinating history about this wonderful restaurant that left us awed. Nearly two years ago this entire structure burned to the ground two days before Christmas in 2022. A structure that had been around for decades burned to the ground and with it all the memories that were held between its walls.
The community was devastated by the loss, yet they rallied together and rebuilt the entire structure. Everyone chipped in, offering whatever help they could and in true Texas fashion rebuilt the entire log-cabin-style restaurant in 18 months. This is a true representation of how coming together as a community, in unity, can solve and overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. The power of community cannot be overstated.
As Adi and I took our seats in the new building we couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the new restaurant. It felt homey and quaint, and the staff made everyone who entered feel as if they were being welcomed home for a country cooked meal. The food was spectacular. Adi and I went full on southern cooking sharing chicken fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Valentine’s Day has officially kicked off.
After lunch, we continued our drive to The Hill Country with no specific destination in mind. This is often the way we travel; we hop in the car and let the Universe guides us. As we drove through The Hill Country, we considered how lucky we are to have such beauty only a couple hours away and the time to explore it. At this time of the year, the lush hills are preparing for the arrival of one of my favorite times of the year—Texas Wildflowers (learn more here). Although we are still two months out, Adi and I made plans as we drove for our annual pilgrimage to see the wildflowers which coincidentally coincides with Adi’s birthday each year.
Texas Hill Country: Await the Magic
I love long drives through Texas Hill Country. Life slows down; Adi and I talked about where we will go next as we prepare for our youngest to graduate high school and leave the nest. Chapters are closing; I can feel it. In the last year I lost my mother; Adi lost her mother; our kids are growing up into adulthood; time isn’t waiting for us—she is moving on. It’s fascinating to watch as our children are creating their own life which doesn’t always include us now. The passage of time seems so much more pronounced in this stage of life. The grind of life is slowing leaving us to wonder, “Where can we serve next?”
After driving for a few hours, we landed in Wimberly, Texas, a small Texas town just outside of Austin. Known for its wineries, distilleries, and breweries, this is the perfect stop for “empty nesters” or people looking for a great place to slow down with a glass of wine and to soak up some scenery. Adi and I rented an AirBnB around 4 pm and were beyond pleasantly surprised when we arrived in our room two hours later to discover a sign that read, “Welcome Adi & David. Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy your stay.”

On the coffee station we discovered a gift from our hostess—a bottle of wine, microwave popcorn, and some mixed snacks. Without ever making formal plans, this day worked out better than if I had planned it myself (maybe I should have planned it to get credit from Adi?).
As we drifted off for the night, I gave thanks for our son who pushed us out of the house. As I get older, I have a tendency to get complacent and not go out and explore the world with gusto. His little nudge got Adi and I out on the road doing what we love to do most—exploring this amazing world.
This is the beauty of traveling without plans and just letting go. Magic awaits if we only trust and allow this beautiful Universe to co-create with us. Valentine’s Day was coming to a close, but tomorrow awaited, as we prepared to discover where we would move to begin this new chapter. So much is in the air. So much possibility. So much change.
More to come…