Texas Bluebonnets

The Texas Bluebonnet is somewhat of a rite of passage in the Lone Star State.  Every spring, people from all around take long drives through the Hill Country to gaze at these beautiful flowers that are sprinkled along highways throughout the state.  It’s not unusual to find cars stopped on the shoulder of the road while the occupants of said vehicle cavort through the flowers taking photos with these delicate and ephemeral creatures.

The Road Less Traveled…

With this in mind, Adi and I set out for a Sunday drive to drink in the spring flowers and to feed our never-ending lust for travel.  The very second that we get out on the road a sense of liberation fills our souls and the weight of the world evaporates before the unfolding county highways that paint the picture of small-town Texas.  I’m not a Texan by birth and it took me a long time to understand some of the rituals and customs that define the state that was founded in 1845.  Once I let go of some of my preconceived ideas about life in Texas, I came to love it and the beautiful Bluebonnets that decorated the ranches and valleys that sprawl across the state; spring flowers became one of my favorite aspects of spring.

Adi and I are in that waiting period of life where nothing is necessarily happening and it’s an ideal time to rest until the Universe presents us with our next adventure.  In the past, this used to leave me feeling quite unsettled but something remarkable has happened in the last year; I have actually learned how to relax.  I have become comfortable with not knowing what is ahead and in fact, I am excited to watch as life unfolds before our very eyes.  I have a fundamental belief and understanding that everything is “flowing” exactly as it is supposed to and my only job is to let go and allow the Universe to bring us to our destiny.  Surrender in faith, I tell myself, and know that everything is “rigged in our favor.”

As I drove the car through the back roads and country highways, I sped past our turn and was heading in the opposite direction of our intended destination.  It’s in these moments where I trust that I was supposed to miss the turn and keep my heart and mind open to where I was being led.  Adi and I turned down a different country road to correct my momentary navigational setback when we discovered a beautiful field shaded by the blues, yellows, purples, and orange spring flowers swaying in the wind.  Adi didn’t miss a beat.

Destiny unfolds…

“Let’s stop and take some pictures!”

It was a perfect idea.  We had no timetable, and no real place to be (this is how we travel, with a very vague and flexible itinerary) and pulling over to the side of the road had the potential to be a future memory that we could always recall.  We hopped out of the car, grabbed the camera and began taking some photos.  The crisp spring air was perfect with a light breeze cascading through our hair.

“This is the essence life,” I thought to myself.  “This is what many of us dream of yet very few petition the Universe to deliver this as their own.”

“Another time,” many of us may say.

“I’m too busy to look at flowers on a Sunday,” might be a knee-jerk reaction.

“I can’t get away.”

We have all made these excuses as to why we can’t let go of all of our responsibilities to just “enjoy life.”  I can’t help but wonder how work became more important to us than simply living life.  When did we begin “living to work” instead of “working to live”?

This thought has been on my mind a lot lately.  I think of my ancestors who have passed, and I wonder what they would tell me now that their life has come to a conclusion.  From the perspective of knowing how it all ends, how would that change how we would live if we had another chance?  Would we work 40-50 hours a week to secure a future that may never arrive?  These are questions we can only answer for ourselves.

After a short stop, Adi and I were back on the road heading for Marble Falls, Texas.  Marble Falls is a quaint little town in the Hill Country that is a perfect destination for a Sunday drive.  As we were driving into town imagine my surprise when I saw one of our signs to implore us to to to Costa Rica.  Right there smack dab on the side of a U-Haul I saw a large zebra peering directly back at me (read about the zebra sign here).

Surrender to Pura Vida…

“Look!” I said to Adi.  “Costa Rica is calling!”

We continued driving and within two city blocks we came upon another zebra sitting outside a little store.  Two zebras in less than a few minutes.  What was the Universe telling us?  Adi and I glanced at each other and smiled.

“Another zebra!” I said as we whizzed by it in the car.

After driving for maybe only a minute longer a third zebra was stationed outside another store, this time with pink flowers draped around its neck.

“Zebra number three!” Adi said as we approached closer.  The signs kept coming quicker and quicker.

To recap, “zebra” became Adi’s and my sign to take the plunge to go to Costa Rica.  A spiritual journey is waiting, I know.  I also know that until we go, we will never know why we are being led there.  It’s not necessarily for us to understand why we are being called there—we must simply follow the clues.

Moments after seeing our last zebra, Adi asked if I wanted to stop to get a tea.  We pulled into a Starbucks drive-through and as I was waiting to order I glanced in the rearview mirror; right there, perfect framed in the mirror, I saw another U-Haul.  This time, I saw one with a bat on the side of it.  It was a beautiful sign from my father (read about this here).  It was a sign that was whispering knowingly, “Trust what you are being told to do.  Go to Costa Rica and I will stand with you.”

I’ll Stand With You…

Chills ran down my spine.  These are those inspiring moments that truly can’t be put into words.  As a matter of course, I sent pictures of the zebra and the bat to my sister.  Moments later she responded, “I went outside to let the dogs out and look what was right in front of my house…”

A U-Haul with a zebra plastered on the side of it!

I said to my sister, “This means that you too are being called and must come with us to Costa Rica.”

So many signs have arrived in the last few months urging us to make the leap to Costa Rica.  Is it scary?  Yes, all exciting things in life are—it’s what makes life unpredictable and invigorating.  With each passing day we know we must go to fulfill this next chapter of our life.  The rainforests beckon.  The blue butterfly flutters while waiting for our arrival.  Pura Vida calls to us.  We will answer her call.  Magic awaits…

Read More Costa Rica Calling...

2 thoughts on “Texas Bluebonnets”

  1. Beautiful story love the blue bonnets and the journey you shared..wishing you both the best with your adventures and you are so blessed with signs from the universe..a reminder for me too ..to look at the signs I’m being presented with ..namaste 🙏😊

    1. Seshni,

      Sending many blessings to your corner of the world and delivering a sign from the Universe today: You Are One With the Universe and are loved always and forever. Keep shining your light on the world.

      Sat Nam!


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