The Glance of the Master

“In this time Piscean values are giving way to Aquarian values. The difference between the two is very simple. Piscean values work from the ego, creating boundaries. Aquarian values have no boundaries; they are Infinite. Aquarian consciousness takes you inside your soul, so that you can relate to the soul in all.” As these times speed up, we are faced with a challenge for our consciousness.  Countless distractions vie for our attention and oftentimes we lose sight of that internal voice inside us that is the perfect GPS to guide us during these increasingly hectic times.  Many of us look […]

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The Vision of Kindness

“When thine eye is single the whole body shall be filled with light.” The new year is upon us and with it a renewed sense of possibility.  As we close out one year and move into another, we are always afforded the opportunity to take a new path in the coming year.  Oftentimes, our goals are focused on either transforming our bodies by getting into shape or losing weight or we may set intentions for things that we can achieve professionally or getting our affairs in order.  Paying off bills, buying a new house or car may be on the year’s

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Dream Big in 2020

As 2019 winds down leading us into 2020, I write today with feelings of immense gratitude for the past year.  Dreams that I didn’t even know that I had manifested in a way that I could have never seen coming.  My beloved, Adi Bachan Kaur, and I developed and filmed the very first season of Yes, And Yoga and the show now airs on Amazon Prime Video (see the show here).  How did all of this happen?  Through the power of focused intention and the ability to release those intentions to the Universe or God and then allowing the Divine

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I Am

I Am

I Am.  Could there be two more beautiful words that in conjunction with one another define our very existence on this celestial plane called Earth?  People often ponder the mystery of life by asking the questions, “What does it all mean?’ or “Why are we here?”  The answer lies in two simple words.  I Am.  I Am consciousness inhabiting the human form in order to traverse this plane of duality to remember once again that I Am One With God.  I Am You.  You are me.  You are God.  I Am God.  We are God. I Am All questions dissolve

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Being Late (Number 10)

When we are late in a dream this is symbolic of being on the karmic path.  When our soul decided to reincarnate on this plane, we had things that we wanted to experience and master in order to evolve spiritually.  Being late in a dream shows us that what our soul planned and promised to learn is essentially behind schedule—our spiritual goals are not being reached. It is important to remember that your soul has chosen every experience you are having in order to grow.  We come to earth in a soul group that has agreed to help each other

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