The Power of Vitamin D

Illuminating Health: “Get out in the sun and take your shirt off,” Adi commanded.  This wasn’t foreplay, this was a directive. “You need to expose your skin to the sun at least once a day so you can soak up that lovely Vitamin D.” To any guy out there who has been married, you know the drill.  You have two choices.  1) Fight it and make life difficult until you finally relent and just do what you were asked. 2) Just do what you’re asked to do and ask as few questions as possible to eliminate the rather lengthly reply. […]

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Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling

Unveiling the Ancient Secret:  I was in the shower the other day and Adi said to me, “Hey, there’s something I want you to try.  Reach your head out of the shower.” In my mouth went  a spoonful of Coconut Oil. “Don’t swallow that and when it melts begin swishing it around your mouth,” she further instructed. “a#$%adghtkv&*&*#@” I tired my best to say to her with a mouthful of this paste in my mouth.  (Translation:  “How long do I need to swish?”) “15-20 minutes,” she said.  We’ve been married a long time, she understands my mumbles.  “And when you’re

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Quietude: A Tribute To a Magical Mermaid

Tomorrow, January 9, 2024, I am elated to announce the release of my new book, Quietude.  A little background on the book:  A few years ago, Adi challenged me to write a book with a female protagonist.  I started this little novella and wrote about 4 chapters before putting it aside until inspiration struck me. Cut to late summer of 2023—I had a big idea for a four-part book that I began writing called I’Eternal.  My goal was to make this book my magnum opus (I know, pretty bold!) and I began in earnest writing.  I grappled with this really

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Quietude: A Prologue Opening Widsom’s Door ⚛︎ “The quieter you become the more you are able to hear.” Many believed Rumi to be quite simple; in reality, her silence spoke of a wisdom that few understood.  She came into this world a stranger, and she left as a stranger.  It was rumored that she remained in silence for more than five years before eventually ending her fast on the spoken word.  When she finally broke her silence her first words were less than profound. “I’m quite thirsty,” she said.  “May I have some water?” The request was quickly granted, and it was

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The Fisherman

The following is an excerpt from my new novella entitled, “Quietude” available on Amazon January 9, 2024. ⚛︎ “The wound is the place where light enters you.” When she was a very young girl, Rumi seldom left her mother’s side.  Rumi simply called her, “Ma.”  On one occasion in her early life, she was separated from Ma in the marketplace of Nazaré amongst the hordes of people trying to buy goods and provisions.  For two hours, she searched for Ma while panic gripped her heart. “Where could she have gone?  Wonder if I never find her again?”  Rumi wondered, torturing

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