
David Daniel is a best-selling author and speaker who tours the world teaching the tenets and philosophy of the improvisational comedy technique, "Yes, And", and yoga and meditation.

The Fisherman

The following is an excerpt from my new novella entitled, “Quietude” available on Amazon January 9, 2024. ⚛︎ “The wound is the place where light enters you.” When she was a very young girl, Rumi seldom left her mother’s side.  Rumi simply called her, “Ma.”  On one occasion in her early life, she was separated from Ma in the marketplace of Nazaré amongst the hordes of people trying to buy goods and provisions.  For two hours, she searched for Ma while panic gripped her heart. “Where could she have gone?  Wonder if I never find her again?”  Rumi wondered, torturing […]

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The Little Red Book

The following is an excerpt from my new novella, Quietude, available on Amazon January 9, 2024 ⚛︎ “As you start along the way, the way appears.” The cover was torn—the edges were tattered.  Everyone wondered what was so precious inside Rumi’s Little Red Book.  Those who took notice of her would watch her deliberately jotting notes on the blank pages within, completely absorbed in her own thoughts.  No one thought to ask her about it.  Instead, people told stories about the book—none of which were true. The book was given to her as a gift, the occasion unrecorded by history. 

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The Crooked Path

⚛︎ “Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others.   Unfold your own myth.” When she was a young girl, Rumi never quite fit in.  She tried, until she didn’t.  Something inherently hidden deep inside of her knew that she was never supposed to be fully accepted.  She walked with a limp which never endeared her to other children.  The limp’s origins, at first mysterious, manifested after she was bitten by a dog.  A virus seeped into her joints and the limp followed.  Although the clinical term for her ailment was septic arthritis, the village where she

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Farewell the the Head Witch in Charge

Farewell to the Head Witch in Charge

As we get older, death is supposed to be easier to understand, being a by-product of life itself.  Death is supposed to be less of a surprise as we age, but yet, it still is.  Death still surprises us.  I find myself writing a lot more obituaries lately or maybe the more modern term, Celebration of Life Missives.  More surprising still, each one I write gets harder. I’ve written an obituary for my father, mother, brother, sister, two friends, Adi’s grandparents and now…Adi’s mom, Sheri Lynn Davis.  She passed away Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 11:28 pm after being ill

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Infinity Grounding Meditation

Infinity Grounding Meditation

Adi is often the catalyst for bringing me many of the life-changing practices that I incorporate into my daily routine.  It usually starts with me resisting the idea, only to eventually give in and then become somewhat rigid in my adherence to my new daily ritual.  What starts with her gentle nudging eventually manifests into my dogmatic daily application of the practice.  Enter, the Infinity Grounding Meditation Walk. Adi explained the benefits of incorporating this into our daily routine and after some initial resistance I became intrigued by the possibilities that awaited us on the other side of this practice. 

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