2019: Devil or Divine?

A shift is occurring.  Many people are feeling it.  Time feels like it is speeding up and depending on a person’s perspective either chaos is unfolding or divine opportunity is upon us.  Everything in this life is perspective and as we move into 2019 it is becoming increasingly clear that how we look at life undoubtably becomes a reality in our physical existence.  In short, what we think we become.  See the grace in all situations and grace shall be yours; see the chaos in the world and chaos will be yours.

Consult almost any astrologer or numerologist and you will hear that the year of 2019 is “Devil or Divine.”  2019 will either be exceptionally challenging with many setbacks or it will be a time of fertile manifestation and growth where our wildest dreams can become a reality.  The way we can assure ourselves that our year will be a year of Divinity is by creating a spiritual practice that grounds us internally in our highest spirit which provides a pathway to grace and peace.  Many people ask me all the time, “What does a spiritual practice look like?”

For years I’ve kept my spiritual practices a secret for fear of judgment from those closest to me.  I would devote myself to my practice in secret and go about my day and not try to evangelize others to do the same.  I always felt it was best to allow people to come to a spiritual practice on their own.  However, now I can see that so many people are struggling.  So many people feel they have nowhere to turn and I have witnessed people feeling not only scared but somewhat hopeless.

To those people I say, the practice of Kundalini Yoga has the ability to give you the strength and resolve to weather even the most challenging storms by strengthening your central nervous system, glandular system, and by aligning your mind and spirit to work in harmony with one another to find your highest purpose.  Each morning that I awaken, I take the first hour and commit myself to my Kundalini Yoga practice.  Yes, this means I have to arise an hour before I traditionally would to get my day started.  Yes, it would be easier to stay in bed and sleep the extra hour and not take the time to do this.  Yes, most people don’t want to do this.  Yes, the postures, mudras, and mantras may look strange, but as I tell my children all the time when they say, “It doesn’t look normal.”  I say to them:  Do you want to be “normal” or do you want to be exceptional?  I would say to anyone willing to listen:  Don’t you deserve your very best life?  Who else is going to do it for you?  Give yourself this gift!

Yes, it is work.  I’m going to repeat that.  It IS work.  You will want to quit.  Your mind will tell you that you don’t need this.  Your ego will find every reason to tell you to stop because your ego does not want to let the light in because then your Spirit will be in charge.  The beautiful secret that no one mentions is that when your Spirit becomes alive your destiny unfolds synchronistically before your eyes, heart, mind and soul.  You become in alignment with the Source of All Love and you become the highest version of yourself.

Kundalini Yoga is challenging.  It forces you to confront your shadow self and is oftentimes White Tantric coveruncomfortable, however if you have the bravery to face the darkest aspects of yourself you will find that the things you feared the very most were never anything to truly fear to begin with.  When we have the capacity to shine the light of consciousness on the darkest aspects of ourselves we attain the ability to become in alignment with our Highest Purpose.  This is what we were intended to do.  This is how we make 2019 a “Divine Year.”  Without facing ourselves we subject ourselves to the potential turmoil of the coming year.

There is an answer to facing our fears.  We are our own answer.  We have the ability to undertake a dedicated spiritual practice that will give us the tools to reshape our lives into the masterpiece it was meant to be.  I decided I could no longer keep my spiritual practice a secret.  It was my duty to share it with the world because Kundalini Yoga is such a beautiful and transformative practice and I know in my heart that these tools are exactly what are needed for those seeking their way through the darkness.  This was a gift given to me by my beloved, Adi Bachan Kaur, and it is a gift that we both are now sharing with the world.

To learn more about my personal journey into Kundalini Yoga consider reading my book, White Tantric Yoga:  40 Days to Divinity.  It is a deeply personal account of my daily spiritual practice, with Adi as my leading lady.  I hope in some small way this effort will help to make your 2019 the Divine Year it was meant to be.

Sat Nam!

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