Naked (Number 4)

Being Naked…

When we are naked in a dream our subconscious is asking us to be ourselves with regards to the subject matter of the dream.  Don’t “dress” things up out of fear and instead be your true essential self—we come into this world in our “birthday suit” and it societal programming and mores that convince us to become something we are not.   This dream is asking you to wake up to your spiritual truth.  The disturbing feeling in the dream is telling us that we feel exposed when we follow our own inner light and indicates the level of discomfort that we feel being our true selves.  If you are currently undergoing deep self-work or have begun an intense yoga and meditation practice, this dream shows it is working well to restore your sense of identity.

Additionally, this dream could mean that you have held back from speaking your truth with a loved one or someone you know during a recent conversation and avoided expressing how you truly feel. The dream is asking you to speak your truth in the future.

Clothing represents our attitudes in a dream because what we wear represents our attitudes that we are projecting on to others.  Whether it is what we wear at work—be it police uniform, teacher’s clothing, bus driver’s uniform, baker, clerk or business attire or what we wear to a club or on a date—all of these choices make a statement about our perceived roles and the labels that we have assumed thereby revealing who we “think” we are in advance of anything we do or say.  Being naked asks you to drop all these projections, labels, and perceived roles in order to just be our unvarnished selves.  By doing so we will allow ourselves to become our highly realized spiritual selves.

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