
David Daniel is a best-selling author and speaker who tours the world teaching the tenets and philosophy of the improvisational comedy technique, "Yes, And", and yoga and meditation.

Vicksburg: Cradle of the Civil War

Listen on Spotify Vicksburg: Adi and I were excited.  For the second consecutive year, we were heading to Bald Head Island to lead a yoga and meditation retreat for Lighthouse Film Company that is based in Wilmington, NC.  Incidentally, our friends Brad and Andrea Walker own LFC and Brad and I go back many years when we worked on a couple of short films that I wrote and directed while Brad was the cinematographer on the production. Brad and I speak the same film language—“dolphin squeals”—this is how people describe our language.  We bonded early on in our friendship talking […]

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Be The Answer To Someone’s Prayer

“Be the answer to someone’s prayer.”  I’ve felt this pall over me the last few weeks.  It’s persistent, like a cold that won’t go away.  It is especially prevalent in the mornings right as I awake and continues right up until the time I go to sleep at night.  It’s a nagging feeling that leaves me feeling unfulfilled, without a purpose, and mourning a time of once was.  It doesn’t make much sense because I have been given so much, and there is little in the way of needing anything.  It has more that sense of perceived discouragement that lingers

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What is your Ideal Day

Your Most Amazing Ideal Day

What Makes an Ideal Day? Have you ever wondered what the ideal day would look like for you? We often get caught up in our daily routine and forget to take a moment to think about what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.  So often, the hustle and bustle of life keeps us distracted from asking a couple of very important questions:   What makes me happy?  What do I enjoy doing each day?  What fulfills my soul? When we begin asking these questions we start to see where and how we are out of alignment with what our soul

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Arch Nemesis

Meet Arch Nemesis, Shorty Carter

The following is an excerpt from my new book, Memoirs of a Renaissance Man (available of Amazon) Arch Nemesis, Shorty Carter   In the evening, Adi and I left for a quick errand; it was already dark outside, and the night was coming to an end.  As we got in the car, I mentioned to Adi that the eclipse seemed to pass without anything unwelcoming coming into our life (eclipses are known to bring seismic changes, some undesirable). As we drove down the driveway toward the main road, Cannon Drive (named after Adi’s grandmother’s family), we saw two eyes glowing

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Feral cat

Bitter Enemies: The Return of Shorty Carter

I have a confession to make; I’m not necessarily proud of this, but as they say, all’s fair in love and war.  This is a tale with heroes and villains, depending on the individual perspective, but no matter the point of view—this was a war—make no mistake about it.  Sometimes war affects a man’s psyche in ways that cause him to behave entirely out of character.  This was certainly the case with me.  I may be getting ahead of myself, so I’ll try to start as close to the beginning of this tale as possible. Adi and I moved to

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