From the Gulf

Galveston: A Passage Through the Tides of Time

Galveston: A Passage Through the Tides of Time

Listen on Spotify Watch on Youtube   “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” — Saint Augustine The cruise ships loom over the port in Galveston, ready to set sail for a week of revelry on the sea. These giants stand for fun, adventure, and the chance to be with loved ones, leaving everyday life behind. They take me back to my childhood, watching The Love Boat on ABC, dreaming of far-off places from Iowa, where the sea felt unreachable. Now, Adi and I, living here in Galveston, witness the excitement every week as […]

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The Bishop's Palace

The Bishop’s Palace

Listen on Spotify Watch on YouTube “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” —Ernest Hemingway Stepping into Bishop’s Palace is akin to crossing a threshold into a bygone age, where opulent décor and intricate craftsmanship speak volumes of a time when elegance and grandeur reigned supreme. I never knew I would be so moved by a piece of architecture and I was surprised by how familiar it felt upon my arrival. Dickens on the Strand had arrived in Galveston and Adi and I suited up in our best Victorian garb to participate in a

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The Big House

My mother-in-law passed away a year ago.  To say it devasted the family would be an understatement.  Morticia (my nickname for her inspired by the Addams Family) was a witchy mermaid who positively affected everyone she came in contact with, and her bigger than life personality was one that couldn’t be easily replaced.  The love of her life and Adi’s dad, Gomez (they truly were like the Addams Family), will attest to the huge void that entered his life when Morticia passed on to the great beyond and never have I personally witnessed the adversity a family had gone through

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Farewell the the Head Witch in Charge

Farewell to the Head Witch in Charge

As we get older, death is supposed to be easier to understand, being a by-product of life itself.  Death is supposed to be less of a surprise as we age, but yet, it still is.  Death still surprises us.  I find myself writing a lot more obituaries lately or maybe the more modern term, Celebration of Life Missives.  More surprising still, each one I write gets harder. I’ve written an obituary for my father, mother, brother, sister, two friends, Adi’s grandparents and now…Adi’s mom, Sheri Lynn Davis.  She passed away Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 11:28 pm after being ill

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Song of the Cicada

Song of the Cicada

The morning arrived early; we had a busy day ahead.  Adi and I got up before 5 am because we are heading to Austin today for the premiere of her uncle’s film, Song of the Cicada, at the Austin Film Festival (more on this in a bit).  I had an hour to do my Sadhana before we departed the house to pick up a Sprinter Van that we rented to take Adi’s entire family south to Austin for a three-hour drive. I did my practice inside today because the ground is still wet outside from the rain from the last

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