The Elegant Universe

Join David as he explores the greatest mysteries of the world through a deep practice of yoga, meditation and mindfulness.

The Vision of Kindness

“When thine eye is single the whole body shall be filled with light.” The new year is upon us and with it a renewed sense of possibility.  As we close out one year and move into another, we are always afforded the opportunity to take a new path in the coming year.  Oftentimes, our goals are focused on either transforming our bodies by getting into shape or losing weight or we may set intentions for things that we can achieve professionally or getting our affairs in order.  Paying off bills, buying a new house or car may be on the year’s […]

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I Am

I Am

I Am.  Could there be two more beautiful words that in conjunction with one another define our very existence on this celestial plane called Earth?  People often ponder the mystery of life by asking the questions, “What does it all mean?’ or “Why are we here?”  The answer lies in two simple words.  I Am.  I Am consciousness inhabiting the human form in order to traverse this plane of duality to remember once again that I Am One With God.  I Am You.  You are me.  You are God.  I Am God.  We are God. I Am All questions dissolve

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The Magic of Sadhana

“What is sadhana?  It’s a committed prayer. It is self-enrichment.  It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something.  Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best.” I remember the first time I ever heard the word “Sadhana.”  It sounded mystical and somewhat unattainable—a spiritual practice that has the potential to align the practitioner with his or her destiny.  I wondered how this worked and I questioned whether or not I would have the discipline to undertake such a practice. It was my beloved, Adi Bachan Kaur, who brought the idea

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12 Universal Laws

A Beginner’s Guide to the 12 Universal Laws

Watch Series “How to Master the 12 Universal Laws and master life.” I was deep in a meditation when I heard this message whispered to me.  It intrigued me to think that life was truly this simple.  By understanding 12 important laws we have the ability to align with our destiny.  When I mentioned this to a friend recently, I could tell he was perplexed by my statement; more importantly, I observed he never knew there were 12 Universal Laws. As he stared back at me with a somewhat blank look in his eyes, I decided to ask him, “Are you

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Rumi’s Life-Changing The 3 Gates of Speech

Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates At the first gate, ask yourself, “Is it true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?” ~ Rumi  The Three Gates of Speech The great Sufi poet, Rumi, believed that before we speak our words should pass through three gates. “Is it true?  Is it necessary?  Is it kind?” How many of the things we say each day could pass this litmus test?  Humans speak on average roughly 16,000 words a day.  After employing Rumi’s test, how many do you think

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