The Language of Dream

The Language of Dreams

“Merge into the One.”  I heard a voice whisper ever so gently to me as I was half-asleep yet half-awake.  It’s that sweet spot of sleep where our defenses our down just enough to receive divinely inspired message while being just conscious enough to remember them.  Most times, dreams deliver us messages while we deeply sleep only to evaporate into the ether the moment we awakened to a new day.

The Language of Dreams

“Merge into the One.”  These words permeated into my consciousness.  At first, I didn’t know the source of the voice, but as I roused awake, I knew that this was a divine message that needed my full attention.  Instinctively, I let the words settle in and I did my best to just be still as I considered the vastness of these four words.  “Merge into the One.”  It seemed so simple on the surface, but the execution of these words is a whole other story.  How do we surrender so fully and with such totality that we lose ourselves and our own limited consciousness and merge into the vastness of The One?  It seemed powerful—it seemed overwhelming and unreachable.  It’s a dream, I thought—just a dream.  Then I considered, maybe everything is just a dream.  Maybe nothing is real, and everything is just a projection of our truest beliefs that we carry at the cellular level.

Dreams are a gateway to our higher consciousness.  When we drift into slumber our mental defenses relax and we are able to access the higher realms of consciousness that the yogis and mystics are able to access while in an awakened state.  Few of us are blessed enough to access these portals of divine knowledge consciously and instead rely on the cryptic nocturnal messages of our dreams.  We can learn the language of dreams—we need only to be open to their messages and have a willingness to heal anything that no longer serves us.

Dreams use symbols, metaphors, puns, family members, friends, pets, colors, animals, numbers and a myriad of other devices to grab our attention to heal something that is buried in our sub-conscious.  Most prescient dreams occur during the hours of 2 am and 4 am and this why yogis choose to rise early each morning to do their daily spiritual practice.  The yogis choose to actively and mindfully clear their sub-conscious shadow side as opposed to do so while they sleep when the messages are often mysterious and vague.

However, for the many of us that choose to sleep during these ripe hours there is hope for redemption.  Our dreams provide the pathway to liberation.  It is important to remember that dreams are not random—they are messages from your Higher Self trying to direct you towards your life’s purpose.

“Merge into the One.”

This is our purpose.  Our entire goal is to embody these words and remember that we are One with the Source.  We comprise “The One” and separation as we know it is an illusion.  Every atom, molecule, flower, blade of grass, drop of ocean water, friend, enemy, animal—We Are All One, the very Source of Creation.  We are infinitely connected to the Source yet almost all of us have forgotten.  We get so wrapped up in this Cosmic Play that we forget a fundamental truth and it is our truth.

We are connected to everything.  The only thing that creates separation within us is the egoic construct that tries to convince us that we are alone and that we have to survive essentially on our own.  This creates within us a strong evolutionary desire to survive at all cost.  We convince ourselves that our survival cannot co-exist with the survival of others and therefore we create our belief in the necessary function of separation.  Dreams remind us of the Truth and try to lead us back to the path of liberation.

Dreams call to us in the evening hours and encourage us to awaken to our Divine Purpose in remembrance of why we came here.  God created the earth in order for human beings to spiritually advance.  Whenever we are asked, “What is the meaning of life?”—this is our answer.  Remembrance that we are One and to advance spiritually.  Each of us has been given spiritual gifts that not only can assist us in our spiritual journey, but also to assist others on their path towards spiritual realization.  These gifts are a precious part of our being and they color our journey, making us unique on our path.  Dreams, for their part, begin to illustrate to us what gifts we have hidden inside of us that are dormant and long to be awaken.

These nocturnal musings offer us insight as to how we can use these gifts to clear our Karmas and free us from the chains that keep us tied to the illusion of Maya (read more here).  Dreams often repeat themselves on a loop throughout our lives and this is because although in our sleep state we understand these messages inherently, we ignore these messages in the awakened state.  Dreams continue to repeat until we take heed of their messages.  We subconsciously know what we are being asked to do, however we reject the messages and choose not to grow.  Why?  Self-growth is challenging.  It’s hard.  It’s easier to choose not to work on ourselves.  It’s easier to stay exactly where we are.  Growth is scary.  Growth means change is on its way and with change comes uncertainty.

This is one of the fascinating aspects of how the Universe works; we will be given clues as to which areas of our lives we need to improve, and these clues will be given repeated through our dreams.  The longer we ignore the things we need to work on the more pronounced the Universe will become with her messages, even going so far as to bring illness, financial hardship, a breakup or any myriad of other challenges to further get our attention.  We can either listen to the messages in our dreams or choose to ignore them only to have them presented in a much harsher fashion.

When we listen to the messages of dreams, we make an agreement that we will begin work on ourselves and when we do this, we begin the journey of spiritual realization.  The key to all of this is to begin to understand the language of dreams.  Things that seem innocuous or esoteric in dreams, in reality have deeply healing meaning when we discover the language of dreams.  This is why connecting to how we “feel” about a dream becomes so tantamount to understanding the messages.

The more we begin to understand dreams the more we are able to connect to the messages of the Guides, Angels, Masters and Ascended Masters who are present for us to access their knowledge to further our growth.  This is God’s Cosmic Play of which we are just one part.  Everything is here to support us on our spiritual journey and dreams become a roadmap to our purpose.  We come to understand our spiritual gifts and how we can use them to better our lives and the lives of those around us.

We begin to see that everything is connected, and that separation is the illusion.  Through the portal of dreams, we can discover the truth of our existence.  We can heal and find a sense of peace as we “Merge into the One.”

“Know you are loved.  Rest in peace.  Dream your sweet dreams—till your soul is released.”

Click to see the Top 10 Most Common Dreams

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