“Build a Covenant.”
Messages come during Sadhana. It’s inevitable that when we quiet the mind nuggets of inspiration break through the silence demanding action.
“Build a covenant.”

This message poured into my soul and I wasn’t even certain exactly what it meant. If truth be told, I had to look up the word “covenant” to even understand the meaning. I learned the word covenant means “agreement.” I understood even less what I was being instructed to do. Build an agreement? With whom? What would this agreement entail?
Then, Adi asked me to join her with Siri Bahadur to do a meditation series with them called The Wisdom Series. Adi said we would hold two series: One on the wisdom of sound. One on the wisdom of the breath. Both powerful modalities that have the capacity to connect us to the Divine. Both potentially having the ability to remind us of our fundamental truth. We are One with each other. We are One with the Source.
Adi said we would join together with seasoned meditators and even beginning meditators to strengthen our practice to become more robust during these ever-changing times. Since my schedule is incredibly light this year and I can always stand to strengthen my spiritual practice I said, “I’m in.” I figured, when it comes to changing the world what better way to start than with myself.
Then it dawned on me; this was our agreement. This was our covenant. Divine messages don’t always make sense when they first appear but once they have the time to ferment, they become crystalized and take on new meaning. With this in mind I said to Adi, “Let’s build this sangat that you speak of.”
Sangat is a word that you might have to look up so I thought I would just do it for you.
A sangat refers to association and may mean assembly, collection, company, fellowship, congregation, meeting, meeting place, union, or marital union. Sangat is derived from the root word sang meaning association, or to accompany travelers on pilgrimage. The word “sangat” refers only to fellowship but does not necessarily refer to the merits or traits of associates.

The sangat sing hymns together (kirtan), meditate on God’s name (Nam Japa) and listen to musicians (ragis). This is all done in the name of community. Together we rise. Together we remember our Truth.
Adi, Siri Bahadur and I decided we would build this very congregation of like-spiritually minded people to help elevate our corner of the world. The power of group meditation cannot be over-stated. When people come together to connect with the Divine miracles materialize seemingly out of nowhere. We must only take the first step. The Divine requires it of us. We must seek the Divine firstly and then beautifully we are joined by a Power Greater than Ourselves.
By creating a sangat and traveling together on this pilgrimage we have the capacity to uplift ourselves and others during a time when it is so needed in the world. While fear is permeating the planet, we need spiritually minded folks to join together to deliver fearlessness and hope to the world. When we align together with the Divine Grace of this Universe, we have the ability to create healing in the world; we can temper fear and replace it with faith and belief that we are stronger together than we are when we “go it alone.”
In our sangat, we can lean on one another when we are feeling weak; we can support those around us when we are feeling strong; we can rise together; we can harness the light in all to illuminate the planet. The best place to start this is in our own back yard. We can build a covenant. We must be fearless. Knowing that we truly never die should give us the fearlessness that can change the world.
Once we learn these things it is our duty to illustrate them to others. This is the task of our fearless sangat. Coming together with the shared purpose of connecting to the Divine. And once we connect, we become the pathway for others to share in the glory of our fellowship by reminding all who will listen. We are One With God.
We would be honored if you join us on this journey.
Sat Nam!