The Adventures of Adi and David

Join Adi and David on their travels around the world and see a bird’s eye view of all of their encounters.

The Joy of Kindling

As the winter nights while away and the dawn of spring approaches, I am left feeling contemplative.  The world’s wonderment lays before my eyes and I fundamentally understand that both beauty and chaos can be perceived by those very eyes.  I have come to understand it is I that must seek the very beauty that exists everywhere in the world.  In the face of the chaos, I must perceive the beauty because the beauty of the world has been ignored for far too long.  Too many of us find triumph in the defeat of others, pleasure in the pain of […]

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This Too Shall Pass

I remember a time many years ago when I was much younger and far more prone to allow the outside world to affect me that I came to my father with something that was troubling me.  In hindsight, for the life of me, I cannot remember what was troubling me at the time however I will never forget the words that he imparted upon me.  When I told my father the dilemma I was facing, he simply sat and listened to me and then when he heard all of the details of my affair he quite succinctly said, “Son, this

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Snow Day

Snow fell on Texas.  This isn’t a common occurrence and when it does happen it seems time stops just a little bit for those that are graced with its semi-annual presence.  Usually, in alternating years snow will sneak up on North Texas and give us a light dusting that becomes the talk of the community.  Instagram pages light up with pictures and text messages fly, “It’s snowing.”  There is something mystical about snow, especially when it is a rare episode.  Snow has this unique ability to bring people together in a state of joy.  Kids race outside to play and

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The Wisdom Series

“Build a Covenant.” Messages come during Sadhana.  It’s inevitable that when we quiet the mind nuggets of inspiration break through the silence demanding action. “Build a covenant.” This message poured into my soul and I wasn’t even certain exactly what it meant.  If truth be told, I had to look up the word “covenant” to even understand the meaning.  I learned the word covenant means “agreement.”  I understood even less what I was being instructed to do.  Build an agreement?  With whom? What would this agreement entail? Then, Adi asked me to join her with Siri Bahadur to do a meditation

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Dr. Doolittle Calling…

(For my father on his birthday, may you forever Rest In Peace.) Adi and I have moved back to Mansfield, Texas.  We are living on her family’s 5-acre property and although I proclaimed vociferously that I would never leave the city 2020 has shattered all norms and made all of us adapt into something we never thought we would.  To some degree, what has unfolded has been nothing short of remarkable.  I have discovered aspects of myself that I didn’t know existed and it seems that they have allowed me to grow in ways I could have never expected. With

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